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Temperature 4, 9

Temporal 5

Termites 68

Terrestrial eco-systems 10

Teso 7,58

Teso region 107

Teso wetlands 107

The Semliki River 142

Timber extraction 89

Timber resource 66

Topographic 153

Topomaps 141

Tourism 139,170

Tourist 66,166

Tropical High Forests 175

Tropical high forests 36



Uganda 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,14,17,19,21,

24,25,26, 27,28,36,37,39,44,55,62,63,74,



Uganda terrestrial biodiversity 21

Uganda’s Geography 1,3

Uganda’s Relief of Land 1

Uganda-Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) 99,100

Unsustainable 77

Urbanization 110, 128, 129

Urbanization Wind breaks 37

Utilization 21


Vegetation cover 86, 172

Ventilated Pit-Latrine (VIP) 178

Venus x

Vermin 39


Victoria Nile 141

Volcanic 17

Volcanic activities 3

Volcanic lava 96

Volcanic soils 44


Wakiso 110,181

Wamala Basin 92

Water bodies 16

Water catchments 86

Water hyacinth 147

Water levels 11

Water quality129

Water reservoirs107

Water resources 10,11

Weathering 44

West Nile 154

West Nile region 9,15,143

West Nile Sudanese refugees 78

Western 9,166

Western region 166,176,181

Western Rift Valley 17

Western Rift valley 96

Western Rift valley system 86

Western Uganda 3,7,8,9,11

Wetland 7,106

Wetland encroachment 128

Wetland system 97,129

Wetlands 10,24,25,26,27,28

Wetlands 79,107,128,155,158,182,

Wildlife 39,158

Wind speeds 5

Wiringo 73

Woodland 36,39,176

World Environment Day 19