Speak Out
August 2013
earlier this year to take up a temporary role to oversee the
implementation of a single service approach for paediatric
speech pathology services within and across SA Health
and DECD. Catherine is the Chief Clinician, Speech
Pathology with Child & Adolescent Mental Health. As part
of discussions about changes to the structure of Branches,
the SA Executive is looking at opportunities for greater
connection between the CPD Committee and other Branch
‘focus groups’. This would add to the networking undertaken
by committee members, periodic member needs surveys
and feedback provided by workshop participants to inform
CPD program development.
The Victorian Branch CPD committee
currently has 12 members who represent
a range of clinical areas, practice types
and backgrounds. Charmaine Briffa and
Linda Crisci have been the CPD Co-Leaders for three years.
Charmaine works in adult health and has been part of the
Victorian Branch CPD committee since 2007. Charmaine says
that she enjoys being a member of this group as it provides
her with the opportunity to work with an enthusiastic and
very dedicated team of speech pathologists who work in a
range of clinical areas, and to develop her knowledge of the
Association and its many activities on behalf of members.
Charmaine also enjoys having been able to attend a range
of professional development and meet some inspirational
presenters and says that one of the most rewarding aspects
of being part of the committee is the opportunity to contribute
to the professional development plan, trying to ensure that
the diverse areas of practice in speech pathology are well
represented. Linda has worked with preschool-aged children
in Community Health for the last 10 years. She finds that
participating in the CPD portfolio not only allows her to keep
up-to-date with current evidence and have input into what SPs
working in her area are seeking, but also to keep informed of
the current issues in SP and the projects SPA is working on.
Other Victorian CPD Committee members are Kate Bridgman,
Sarah Cunningham, Melissa Finn, Anneke Flinn, Rebecca
Hart, Emma Nottingham, Jacqui Raymond, Lucie Shanahan
and Alison Winkler. Sharon Crane is also a member of the
committee and is based at National Office in her role as
Senior Advisor Professional Education and Certification.
Western Australia
The WA CPD is an eclectic bunch! The
committee currently has 17 members
who represent a wide range of areas
of speech pathology practice including
tertiary, paediatric, adult, disability, education and private
practice. We also have two rural-based clinicians who
teleconference in to monthly meetings and represent the
needs of WA’s many rural and remote members. Having
such a great representative committee means that WA
can offer CPD events that cater for a wide variety of topics
and interests – it also lightens the load with regards to
organising and running events! WA CPD is expertly led
by the unflappable Kim Brookes and her trusty sidekick,
CPD Coordinator Erin Masson, with members Victoria
Bishop, Mary Claessen, Sharyn Donegan, Jamaica Grantis,
Geraldine Harris, Michelle Hayes, Mary Hunt, Abigail Lewis,
Amanda Lloyd, Karen Mews, Mary Reynolds, Kelly Robinson,
Katherine Royer, Roxanne Shaw and Yvette Yee. WA CPD
looks forward to more great events in the future.
Earlybird Registrations are available up to
one month before the event date.
Please note – for 2013 events, an additional $55 fee will apply
to registrations after the Earlybird closing date. Book before
the Earlybird closing date to save money, to assist CPD
committees in planning, and to avoid the disappointment of
finding the workshop has sold out.
2013 CPD program is up and running …
The CPD program for 2013 is well underway – to view events
open for online registration, watch out for the monthly
Events e-News
or check out the SPA website under
Upcoming Events
, or if you would like to see what events
are open and upcoming, there is a webpage on the SPA
website that provides up-to-date information on CPD Events
planned for each state and territory, including ready access
to brochures for events that are open for registration. Go to
News and Events > CPD Events > CPD Branch Events
Tuesday 24 September 2013
Sydney one-day workshop
“New Advances in Dysphagia Treatment”
Dr Claire Langdon
Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 November 2013
Sydney two-day workshop
“Best practice in the management of speech sound
disorders in children: Making every session count”
Dr Elise Baker
Northern territory
Thursday 5 and Friday 6 September 2013
Darwin two-day National Tour workshop
“Best practice in the management of speech sound
disorders in children: Making every session count”
Dr Elise Baker
Friday 20 September 2013
Rockhampton one-day workshop
“Learning to Read: Working with Literacy
in School-Age Children”
Dr Roslyn Neilson
Sunday 13 October 2013
(Please note change of date)
Brisbane one-day workshop
“Expository Discourse in children and adolescents:
Assessment and Intervention”
Dr Marleen Westerveld