Speak Out
August 2013
Dr Renae Beaumont’s Secret Agent Society (SAS) is an
evidence-based social skills program for 8 to 12 year olds
with social and emotional challenges including high-
functioning autism spectrum conditions.
SAS features a spy adventure computer game, child and
parent sessions and teacher tip sheets. Kids learn how to
recognise and manage emotions, talk and play with
others, prevent and manage bullying and much more!
2013 practitioner training dates
September 16-17
Auckland September 19-20
Brisbane October 17-18
Melbourne October 31-November 1
November 11-12
www.sst-institute.netAchieving Effective Outcomes: Language, Learning & Literacy
Register now & don’t miss out!
Evidence based practices that aim to improve effective outcomes for children and
adolescents with language and/or learning impairments will be presented at this
Professor Nelson
is well known for her contribution to our current understanding of
language disorders and has published widely, including her book
‘Language and Literacy
Disorders: Infancy through Adolescence.’
She will present on models of spoken and written
language disorders; assessment, diagnosis and intervention for children with language/
literacy disorders.
Other speakers include Associate Professor Cori Williams, Associate Professor
Genevieve McArthur, and Dr Roslyn Neilson, amongst others.
To view the conference program and register on-line visit our website.
12th & 13th September 2013, Parramatta RSL
http://www.cheri.com.au/conferences.htmlConference Announcement
Keynote Speaker: Professor Nickola Wolf Nelson
Program Director, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Western Michigan University.
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Officer Lana Busby at
speechpathologyaustralia.org.auFebruary 2013
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