Therapeutic Values of Wines
Centuries of experience have confirmed that
wine is a marvelous product for man either m
health or illness if he makes judicious use of
it according to his constitution.
High> medical authorities and scientists
throughout the world acknowledge that wino
spirits and malt liquors used as a beverage are
very beneficial to health when taken in modera
tion and are absolutely necessary in many cases
of fever, nervous exhaustion, debility and con
Old people are greatly benefited by daily
drinking of good wines in moderate quantity.
A poet once said, "The man who drinks wine
must necessarily have more exalted thoughts
than he who drinks water."
Wine invigorates the mind and body,and gives
life an additional charm, but temperance and
moderation are virtues essential to our happi
The good effect of wines as a food is duo to
their stimulating operation on tho nervous sys
tem and muscular lining of the stomach, by
which the same is excited to greater action and
produces a healthy flow of the gastric juices.
Wine being the pure juice of the grape
properly fermented and aged is without ques
tion a healthful beverage to take with meals,
and if those who drink ice water would use
wine instead, they would flnd their digestion
better and their general health improved.
How to Handle and Serve Wines
Having made wine culture and distillation a
lifetime study and profession, with experience
in different countries, the writer takes pleasure
in saying a few words regarding the proper
handling, conditioning and serving of wines
also as to their therapeutic properties.
Beginning with Champagne, I may say that