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Article 5: Development Standards

Section 5.14. Fences and Walls

5.14.7. Height Requirements for Fences and Walls

June 23, 2017

Morrisville, NC

Page 5-136

Unified Development Ordinance


Blocking Natural Drainage Flow

No fence or wall shall be installed so as to block or divert a natural drainage flow on to or off of any

other land.

(Ord. No. 2014-022, 06/24/2014)


Fences Around Swimming Pools

A fences or wall shall be provided around outdoor swimming pools in accordance with the Building

Code’s swimming pool barrier enclosure standards.

(Ord. No. 2014-022, 06/24/2014)


Height Requirements for Fences and Walls





Except where exempted by subsection


fences or walls shall comply with the height limits in

this subsection.


Fence or wall height is measured from natural grade.


If a fence is constructed on top of a wall or berm, the combined height of the fence plus wall

or berm shall not exceed the maximum height that would apply to the fence or wall alone.



Required Screening

A fence or wall provided to meet the standards o

f Section 5.13, Screening,

is exempt from the

height standards of this subsection.


Recreational Fencing

Customary fencing provided as a part of a permitted tennis court, athletic field, or other

recreational facility shall be exempt from the height restrictions of this subsection.


Deer Fencing

Fencing provided as a part of a garden associated with the production of field crops, fruits,

and vegetables shall be exempt from the height restrictions of this subsection.


Fences and Walls Within Intersection Sight Distance Areas

The height of a fence or wall within an intersection sight distance area shall be limited as necessary to

avoid obstructing sight visibility, in accordance with the Engineering Design and Construction Manual.


Public Safety Use Fences and Walls

Major utilities, telecommunications towers, government facilities, and other public safety uses shall be

allowed to increase maximum fence or wall heights to ten feet in front, corner side, side, and rear yards,

unless further increased through an approved security plan—see Section

5.14.9, Security Plan Fences and Walls.


Fences and Walls

Except in the Historic Crossroads Village, Transit-Oriented Development District, and Main Street

Districts, fences and walls shall comply with the following height requirements:

No fence or wall within a front yard shall exceed a height of four feet.

No fence or wall within a corner side yard, side yard, or a rear yard shall exceed a height of

eight feet.