Sales Training 2014 - E-Products - page 54

Disease, Drug, and Treatment
information will be updated
annually on a rolling quarterly
review process.
Signs and Symptoms
information and Diagnostic
Tests information is updated
every 3 years.
Books are updated when new editions of
the title are published. Typically the
online version of the new edition is
available a few months after the print
version is published.
New and updated Clinical Updates are
typically uploaded monthly. All Clinical
Updates are reviewed every two years or
less to assure validity and accuracy.
• Drug Monographs are updated daily.
• Drug Updates are updated once per
Journals are updated daily – new full-text
articles are added on a daily basis.
Mosby’s Nursing Index
MNI is updated with the same frequency as
MEDLINE®. Updates are received and
processed on a daily basis.
News is updated daily.
New or revised patient education handouts
are uploaded onto Mosby's Nursing Consult
twice a year.
New and updated Practice Guidelines are
typically uploaded monthly. Important
changes to clinical procedures can be
identified at any time and changes made
as frequently as needed
Lippincott Advisor
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