Sales Training 2014 - E-Products - page 56

Not included. Subscribers
to Ovid are able to link
out to their existing
subscriptions. MEDLINE
1988- present included.
Can retrieve full-text articles from
35nursing journals plus 2 Nursing
Nurses at point of care would not have time
to search through journal articles. For those
needing it for research/staff development
purposes, we can link into their Ovid
Books included
LMNP (9e) is slated to be
included in late 2009 or
early 2010.
34 nursing books included. Are
able to search the entire collection
simultaneously or search only a
single title
Nurses at point of care would not have time
to search through books. For those needing it
for research/staff development purposes, we
can link into their Ovid subscriptions.
Approx. 450 full-color
detailed images from
Atlas of Pathophysiology,
Search over 5,000 images from
books; view as thumbnails, full
screen and in content; select and
compare up to 4 images side by
Drug Content
From the Nursing Drug
Handbook, leading drug
handbook for nurses
Drug Information provided by Gold
Standard. The nursing drug books
are available in the books area.
Primary drug content is not nursing specific
but derived from the Gold Standard which is
geared to pharmacists.
Drug calculators
Drug Calculators for IV Dosage, PO
Dosage and Body Surface Area
Drug Updates
As of January 2010, we
will be doing weekly
Provides current information on
newest FDA drug approvals, safety
notices, and other FDA approvals
to keep nurses current
Lippincott Advisor
1...,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55 57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,...76
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