McKenna's Pharmacology for Nursing, 2e - page 292

P A R T 3
 Drugs acting on the immune system
TABLE 18.1
DRUGS IN FOCUS Vaccines (continued)
Drug name
Usual indications
diphtheria and tetanus toxoid
(ADT Booster)
0.5 mL IMI
Reimmunisation in adults and children
>5 years
diphtheria and tetanus toxoid
and pertussis vaccine (Adacel,
0.5 mL deep IMI
Immunisation in adults and children
>10 years
diphtheria and tetanus toxoid and
pertussis vaccine (Tripacel)
0.5 mL IMI at 2, 4, 6, 18 months and
booster 4–6 years
Primary immunisation children 6 weeks
or older
diphtheria and tetanus toxoid,
pertussis and poliomyelitis
vaccine (Adacel Polio, Boostrix-
IPV, Quadracel)
0.5 mL deep IMI
Booster immunisation in adults or
children >4 years
diphtheria and tetanus toxoid,
pertussis and poliomyelitis
vaccine (Infanrix IPV )
0.5 mL by deep IMI
Primary immunisation in children
6 weeks or older
diphtheria and tetanus toxoid,
and hepatitis B, pertussis and
poliomyelitis vaccine (Infanrix
0.5 mL IM at 2, 4, 6 months
Primary immunisation in children
6 weeks or older
diphtheria and tetanus toxoid,
and hepatitis B, pertussis,
poliomyelitis and Haemophilus
influenzae vaccine (Infanrix
0.5 mL IM at 2, 4, 6 months
Primary immunisation in children
6 weeks or older
Viral vaccines
H1N1 pandemic influenza vaccine
Adult or paediatric >36 months: 0.5 mL IMI
or deep SC
Paediatric 6–35 months: 0.25 mL IMI or
deep SC
Adults and paediatric >10 years: single
Paediatric 6 months–10 years: 2 doses at
least 4 weeks apart
Active immunisation against H1N1
hepatitis A vaccine, inactivated
(Avaxim, Havrix,VAQTA)
Adult: 1 mL IM with a booster dose in
6–12 months
Paediatric: 0.5 mL IM with a repeat dose
in 6–12 months
Immunisation of adults and children
against hepatitis A infection
hepatitis A vaccine, inactivated,
with hepatitis B recombinant
vaccine (Twinrix)
1 mL IM followed by booster doses at
1 and 6 months
Immunisation against hepatitis A
and hepatitis B infections in people
≥18 years of age
hepatitis B vaccine (Energix-B,
H-B-Vax II)
0.5–1 mL IM, followed by 0.5–1 mL IM at
1 and 6 months
Immunisation against hepatitis B
infections in susceptible people
and in infants born to mothers with
hepatitis B
human papillomavirus,
recombinant, quadrivalent
(Cervarix, Gardasil)
Females 9–26 years: 0.5 mL IM, then
0.5 mL IM 2 months later, followed by
0.5 mL IM 6 months after the first dose
Active immunisation against human
papillomavirus responsible for
causing genital warts and many
cervical cancers
influenza virus vaccine (Fluarix,
Adult: 0.5 mL IM or deep SC
Paediatric: 0.25–0.5 mL IM or deep SC,
repeated in 4 weeks
Prophylaxis in adults and children
at high risk for complications of
influenza infections
Japanese encephalitis vaccine
1 mL SC on days 0, 7 and 30
1–3 years: 0.5 mL SC on days 0, 7 and 30
Immunisation of persons >1 year of
age who reside in or will travel to
endemic areas
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