It is rank buncombe to assert that whiskey contains
no fusel oil. It is this very eleme nt whi ch marks it
from other spirits. With the chemical acti on of age
and atmosphere, the fu sel oil is ch anged int o aromatic
volatile ethers, to which is due the tonic properties and
bouquet peculiar to old whiskey. Young whiskey,
however well made, is unwholesome- to use.
is also
very irritating to the delicate mucous membrane of the
stomach , consequently indigestible, while the same
whiskey with sufficient age is grateful and digestible.
As a stimulant it is of the highest order ; used in mod–
eration, diluted with pure fresh water to about the
strength of wine or beer, it is the most wholesome stim–
ulant known. It avoids the saccharine of sweet wine,
the acid of dry wine, the alkaline properti es of beer,
and the excessive strength of "straight whiskey. "
D iluted with fresh water a good old whisk ey is su–
perior to any wine or beer.