perpend wall,
perpeyn wall =
A wall built of perpends or of
ashlar stones, all of which
reach from one side to the
perron =
An outdoor flight of steps,
usually symmetrical, lead-
ing to a terrace of a large
pinnacle =
An apex.
A largely ornamental body,
or shaft terminated by a
pyramid or spire.
A turret, or component ele-
vated above the main build-
plantation house =
The principal house of a
plantation in the antebel-
lum American south, typi-
cally having many charac-
teristics: two stories, a
projecting portico with
Classic columns and a recessed central bay, thick
walls at ground level, and a raised basement in
areas of high water table, which served as the
location for service facilities, pantries, wine
cellar and servants’ room.
perpend wall
plantation house