The Author wishes to express his appreciation to
the following organizations for allowing the re-
production of selected definitions and illustra-
tions from their publications.
Harris, Cyril M.
Dictionary of Architecture &
Third edition. Edited by Cyril M.
Harris, Professor Emeritus of Architecture, Co-
lumbia University. McGraw-Hill Publisher 2000.
Kubal Michael T.
Construction Waterproofing
Edited by Larry Hager. McGraw-Hill
Publisher 1999.
Schwartz, Max.
Basic Engineering.
1993 Ed-
ition, with permission of Lawrence Jacobs.
Jacobs@costbook.comVoss and Henry Architectural Construction.
By Walter C. Voss S.B. Head of Department of
Architecture, Wentworth Institute, Boston,
Massachusetts and Ralph Coolidge Henry S.M.
Architect, Boston, Massachusetts. John Wiley &
Sons Inc. Press 1925.
Brick Institute of America.
Bricklaying Brick
and Block Masonry
with permission of the Brick
Industry Association
www.gobrick.comA special thank you to Taryn Stubblefield P.E.
for correcting the many mistakes I made in my
first book and for her close participation and
editing of this second edition.
Also a special thank you to
for pub-
lishing this book. It shows
tion to the improvement of the trade through