Over the past twenty years, cell phone usage has increased dramatically and cell phones
have evolved into a basic communications device for our society. Many consumers no
longer maintain a traditional landline service, but instead use cell phones exclusively.
In addition to the growing number of people using cell phones and with the introduction of
the smart phone, cell service providers have expanded beyond traditional voice service to
offer text messaging, e‐mail, web browsing, and video entertainment. These additional
services have led to a spectrum demand that is quickly outpacing the existing capacity of
telecommunication facilities.
Morrisville has experienced rapid population growth, which has increased the population
by nearly 280% since the 2000 U.S. Census. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Morrisville
had a 2010 population of 18,576 and presently the Planning Department estimates the
population at just over 20,000. Currently, Morrisville’s estimated build‐out population is
As the initial Morrisville Community Preference Survey (CPS) from October 2011indicates
Appendix F
), 51% of the respondents owned two or more hand‐held mobile devices.
Additionally, from that same CPS, 90% of the respondents’ households owned two (2) or
more hand‐held mobile devices, with 10% of those households owning six (6) or more
hand‐held devices. Moreover, the expectation is that those numbers will only increase,
which will lead to an increasing demand on the telecommunication facility capacity within
1980 Census
1990 Census
2000 Census
March 2004 Special
July 1,
2006 (Certified Est.)
July 1,
2008 (Certified Est.)
2010 Census
July 1,
2011 (Certified Est.)
251 1,022
11,915 13,501 14,956 18,576 19,406
Morrisville Population