Next, at the first open house, participants had an opportunity to view maps and interact
with planners and the technical consultant. Staff presented the findings from the first CPS.
Again, using keypad‐polling devices for real‐time responses, staff conducted another
interactive CPS with the participants to prioritize the preferred telecommunication facility
type(s) on specific publicly owned properties. Moreover, like the previous CPS, staff
prepared and posted online the same CPS conducted at the first open house. The online CPS
remained open for approximately one month. Subsequently, between the keypad polling
activity and the online CPS staff received over 120 responses to the second survey.
At the second open house, participants again had an opportunity to view more maps and
interact with planners and the technical consultant. Staff recapped the findings from the
first CPS and presented the findings from the second CPS. The technical consultant then
presented two potential telecommunication facility location hierarchy options. Applicants
for new telecommunication facilities will be required to follow the preferred hierarchy.
Using keypad‐polling devices for real‐time responses, staff conducted the final interactive
CPS with the open house participants to determine the preferred hierarchy.
As part of the planning process, the presentations, and information gathered at these
events and the online surveys was converted to portable document format (PDF) and
shared on the Morrisville website. For those choosing to stay involved via the internet, the
town website provided a good tool for information dissemination. Staff then used the
information gathered from the kickoff meeting, open house events and the online surveys
to develop this Master Plan.