Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Master Plan - Town of Morrisville, NC – Adopted July 23, 2013
Population analysis
CityScape realizes that growth rates vary between local community estimates and the US
Census; but for the purposes of this plan, CityScape uses the US Census data. According to the
United States Census Bureau, Block Group Data, the highest population density is in the central
portion of the Town, especially in the western and southwestern portions of the Town where
certain areas average over 8,000 persons per square mile. Figure 10 illustrates the US Census
Bureau’s 2010 population densities by block group for the Town of Morrisville.
The map generally illustrates larger center of population density in the western half of the Town.
Yellow coding is the more prominent color shown in this geographic area of the western portion
of the Town indicating between one and four thousand people per square mile. Pockets of
orange and red illustrate much higher population density concentrates of four thousand to over
eight thousand people per square mile. In contrast the vast majority of the eastern side of the
Town is shown in green, which symbolizes less than one thousand people per square mile
The residential population east of the NC Highway 55 corridor is lower in this area because the
land use in this same vicinity is predominately office, warehouse and industrial. Figure 11
included the average jobs per square mile. The crosshatch pattern represents census block that
average 8,400 jobs per square mile. This added variable illustrates more accurately the
population centers throughout the Town.