Method Submissions-5th Set of Nutrients_6-30-14 - page 3

The existing CEN biotin method, EN 15607 (2009) was normalized on the basis of a French inter
laboratory study organized in 2000 in accordance with ISO 5725-2. The precision were established
thanks to five different samples: breakfast cereals
infant milk powder
nutritive orange juice
green peas with ham (baby food)
lyophilised chicken soup. The biotin contents varied from 16
µg/100g to 200µg/100g. This method is widely used in Europe for the control of food labelling and
health claims.
However a lot of available products on themarket with a nutritional labellingmay showa lower content
of biotin. It is also the case of a lot of infant formulaand adult nutritional products (likeSPIFANmatrix).
Three laboratories have recently organized an inter laboratory study to extend the scope of the
existing method to lower contents. Eight samples and the SRM1849a (NIST) have been tested.
Among these samples three of them have a lowbiotin content: from 1,2µg/100g up to 13µg/100g.
The laboratory SCL of Strasbourg has also fulfilled an in house validation. The 6 points calibration
curve can be used from 0,0015 µg to 0,150 µg/ml. The limit of Quantification of themethod is 0,0015
µg/ml (injected sample). So it can be evaluated to 0,2 µg/100g (reconstitutedmilk powder).
If wecompare to theexistingCENmethod thenew analytical conditions are:
Biotin andbiocytin standard solutions : 0,0015 - 0,005 –0,015 –0,05 – 0,1– 0,15µg/ml
Column : KinetexC18 column 100X4,6mm (2,6µm)
Flow rateofmobilephase : 0,2ml/min
Flow rate reagent post-columnderivatization : 1ml/min
Injection volume : 60µl
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