Home-made Beverages.
Gooseberry Cordial.
Put a pint of fresh gooseberryjuice into a jar
with a quart of good unsweetened gin, half an
inch of bruised cinnamon, 4 cloves, a strip of
lemon rind and f lb. crushed sugar candy.
Cover closely and infuse for a month, shaking
the jar occasionally, then filter and bottle.
Gooseberry Ratafia.
Bruise five pints of sound ripe gooseberries
and put them into a large jar with an inch of
bruised cinnamon, 2 blades of mace,2 oz. each
of blanched and shredded bitter and sweet
almonds, 3 lb. of crushed sugar candy and a
gallon of good brandy. Cover the jar, infuse
for 3 months, shaking frequently, then strain
through filtering paper and store in airtight
Gooseberry Syrup.
See recipe for Cranberry Syrup.
Gooseberry Vinegar.
See recipe for Cranberry Vinegar.
Gooseberry Water.
Boil a quart of topped and tailed gooseberries,
a quart of water and thinly pared rind of alemon
together for half an hour, then strain till clear,
add the juice of the lemon and sugar to taste
and serve cold.
Gooseberry Wine.
See recipe for Currant Wine.
Grape Brandy.
Pick some ripe sound grapes and three parts
fill some wide-mouthed glass bottles with them,
adding 2oz.crushed sugar candy to every pound
of grapes. Fill up the bottles with good brandy,
cork and seal them securely, and leave for 5
months, then strain and rebottle.
Grape Wine.
Take 20 lb. of grapes before they are fully
ripe, put them into a clean tub with their stalks,
and break them up thoroughly with a wooden
mallet or pestle. Add 5 gallons of cold water,
cover the tub, and leave for three days, stirring
frequently, then strain and measure the liquid,
allow 3J lb. of cane loaf sugar to every gallon.