Home-made leverages.
sweetened gin. Cover the jar closely, and steep
for a month,then strain and add 1 lb. of crushed
sugar candy. Leave for a week until the sugar
is thoroughly dissolved, stirring occasionally,
then filter into bottles, and cork and seal them.
Lemon Juice.
Strain the juice from some fine fresh lemons
into 'Small bottles, ipour over it a little olive
oil, cork the bottles and seal them with bottling
wax. When required, remove the oil with-a
piece of cotton wool,sweeten to taste, and dilute
with plain or aerated water.
Lemon Kali.
Mixtogether 10oz. sifted sugar,6 oz.powdered
bicarbonate of potash, and 5 oz. powdered
and iiried citric acid. Keep in a tightly corked
bottle, and when required add 2 teaspoonfuls
to a tumbler of water.
Lemon Liqueur.
Put the very thinly pared rind of four large
lemons into a jar, add one and a half pints of
pure rectified spiritsof wine,coverthejar closely,
and steep for a fortnight, shaking it once or
twice a day. Boil 1 lb. of pure cane sugar in
one and a half pints of water for 5 minutes,
skim, and let it get cold. Strain the spirits of
wine, add the syrup and the strained juice of
the lemons, pour into bottles, and cork and seal
Lemon Ratafia.
Putthe thinly pared rind of6largelemonsinto
ajar,add a quart of good brandy,2oz. blanched
and pounded sweet almonds, 1 oz. of blanched
and pounded bitter almonds, and 6 oz. crushed
sugar candy. Infuse for three weeks, keeping
thejartightlycovered and shaking it occasionally,
then strain and bottle.
Lemon Sherbet.
Rub 12 oz. of loaf sugar on the rind of 6
lemons, and put it into a jug with the strained
juice and a pint and a half of boiling water.
Cover over and let it stand till cold, stirring
occasionally, then serve. If liked, the sherbet
may be iced before serving.