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Home-made Beverages.


Liqueur Syrups.

Boil a pound of sugar and a pint of water till

thick, removing the scum as it rises, then add

suf&cientliqueur to flavour it strongly,and when

cold, store it in airtight bottles. If too sweet,

a little strained lemon juice may be added.

When required, dilute to taste with plain or

aerated water.


Infuse 4 oz. of very thinly pared Mandarine

orange rind in a quart of pure rectified spirits

of wine for 2 months. Boil a pint of water and

a pound of sugar together for 10 minutes, skim,

and when cold add it to the spirits with a few

drops of orange-flower water. Strain through

filtering paper, and store in tightly corked and

sealed bottles.

Maraschino, Imitation.

Stone 12 lb. of Morella cherries, bruise the

fruit and the kernels, and put them into a large

jar with two gallons of pure rectified spirits

of wine,and nine pounds of crushed sugar candy.

Bruise five pounds of fresh clean peach leaves,

6 oz. of white rose petals, and 2 oz. each of

orange flower and white jessamine flowers in a

mortar, and add them to the other ingredients.

Cork the jar tightly and infuse for 6 weeks,

stirring cocasionally, then strain through filter

ing paper and store in airtight bottles.

Marshmallow Tea.

Clean and peel 2 oz. of marshmallow roots,

slice them thinly, and infuse for two hours in a

covered jug, with a quart of boiling water.

Strain, add lemon juice and honey to taste and

serve. This is considered an old-fashioned

remedy for a cough.

May Liqueur.

Gather the hawthorn blossoms on a fine day,

strip the leaves and stems from them, and fill

some wide-mouthed glass bottles with the

flowers. Fill up the bottles with good brandy,

and allow 2 oz. of crushed sugar candy to

every pint of spirit. Cork the bottles tightly

and leave them for three months, then filter

and rebottle.