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Home-made Beverages.


Orange Ratafia.

Put the thinly pared rind of 7 Seville oranges

into a jar, dissolve 1 lb. pure cane sugar in the

strained juice of the oranges, and add it to the

rind with 2 quarts of good brsindy. Infuse

the pips of the oranges in 1 gill of water for

2 days, then strain into the jar, cover closely,

and let it all stand for a month. Filter into

small bottles,and cork and sealthem securely.

Orange Shrub.

Boil 1 pint of strained orange juice and 2lb.

pure cane sugar together for five minutes, skim,

and when cold put it into a large jar with a

quart of good Jamaica rum. Cover closely and

let it stand for six weeks, shaking it twice daily

for the first fortnight, then filter and store in

airtight bottles.

Orange Syrup.

See recipe for Lemon Syrup.

Orange Water.

See recipe for Lemon Water.

Orange Whisky.

See recipe for Lemon Whisky.

Orange Wine.

Boil 8 pounds of cane sugar, 2 gallons of


water and the beaten whites and crushed shells


of two eggs gently together for 20 minutes, and

wh'en lukewarm strain through a jelly bag, add

the strained juice of 26 Seville oranges and a

large table-spoonful of yeast. Pour into a tub,

cover over and leave for 24 hours, then draw off

into a cask, and keep it filled up and lightly

bunged till the fermentation has subsided.

Bung securely and leave for 3 months, then

rack it off into another cask, add half a pint of

brandy, and leave it tightly bunged for 12

months before bottling.

Orange-Flower Ratafia.

Infuse 4 oz. of fresh orange flowers in 6 pints

of good brandy for a week. Boil a pound of

cane sugar and a pint of water together for 5

minutes, skim and when cold add it to the

brandy. Mix weU, filter into bottles, and

cork and seal them securely.