Home-made Beverages.
Peach Noycau. CNo. 2.)
Put 4 oz. bruised peach kernels into a jar,
add a quart of brandy and infuse for a fortnight,
then strain. Boil a pound of pure cane sugar
andhalfa pint of water togetherforfive minutes,
skim, and when cold, add it to the brandy.
Pour into bottles, cork tightly and seal v,dth
bottling wax.
Peach Ratafia.
Slice some ripe sound peaches, strew over
them 1 oz. castor sugar to every pint of fruit,
and let them stand for-24 hours. Strain all the
juice from the peaches, measure it, allow a quart
of good brandy, 2 cloves, an inch of cinnamon,
3oz.bruised peach kernels and halfapound pure
cane sugar to every pint of juice, and infuse all
these ingredients together for three weeks, then
filter and bottle.
Peach Syrup.
See recipe for Apricot Syrup.
Peach Vinegar.
See recipe for Apricot Vinegar.
Peach Water.
Slice oneanda half poundsof ripepeaches,and
put them into a basin with'their bruised kernels.
Pour over them 3 pints of boiling water, add
sugar to taste,cover the basin; when cold,strain,
ice and serve. If liked,a little peach brandy,
noyeau, or ratafia may be added.
Peach Wine.
Slice 24 lb. of ripe peaches, place them in a
large bowl with 5 lb. pure cane sugar sprinkled
over them, and let them stand for 24 hours.
BoU 8 lb. of pure cane sugar,5 gallons of water,
and the stifily whisked whites of 5 eggs to
gether for 20 minutes, skimming frequently,
then add the sliced peaches and sugar and boil
till the fruit is reduced to a pulp, skimming
when necessary. Crush the peach stones, put
them into a tub, and pour the contents of the
pan over them, and when lukewarm add a gill
of yeast. Cover with a cloth or blanket, and
leave for three or four days, then strain into
a cask, reserving about a gallon of the liquid
to fill up the cask as the fermentation subsides.