Home-made Beverages.
Raspberry Liqueur.
Put some ripe white raspberries into a jar,
and cook in a pan of boiling water till tlie juice
flows freely, then strain through a jelly bag
and to every pint 'allow 12 oz. of cane sugar.
Boil together for 20 minutes,removing the scum
as it rises, and when cold measure it and mix
with it an equal quantity of pure white spirit.
Filter into bottles, cork and seal them securely,
and leave for 12 months before using.
Raspberry Ratafia.
See recipe for Gooseberry Ratafia.
Raspberry Shrub.
See recipe for Strawberry Shrub.
Raspberry Syrup.
See recipe for Cranberry Syrup.
Raspberry Vinegar.
See recipe for Cranberry Vinegar.
Raspberry Water.
See recipe for Strawberry Water.
Raspberry Whisky.
See recipe for Mulberry Whisky.
Raspberry Wine.
Bruise 5 gallons of ripe sound raspberries and
put them into a tub with 5 gallons of boiling
water,cover over and leave for 24 hours. Strain
the liquid and fruit through a hair sieve and
leave till the following day, then strain into
another tub without disturbing the sediment,
add 12 lb. of crushed cane sugar and a gill of
yeast, and when the sugar is dissolved pour the
whole into a cask, reserving about half a gallon
to fill up with. 'When the fermentation has
quite ended, bung the cask tightly and let it
stand for a month, then rack the wine ofi into
a clean cask, add 1 oz. of isinglass dissolved in
a little of the wine and a quart of brandy, bung
tightly,and leave for a year before bottling.
Ratalia. (No. 1.)
Pound 4 oz. of Morella cherry kernels, and
1 oz. of apricot kernels, and put them into a jar
with a quart of brandy and 8 oz. of sugar candy
dissolved in a gill of water. Cover the jar
tightly and infuse for 6 weeks, shaking daily,
then filter and bottle.