Home-made Beverages.
jarftightly, tie a piece of bladder over it, and
leave it in a pot of hot water for6 hours. Keep
in a warm room for a month, shaking the jar
daily, then filter, and store in airtight bottles.
Red Ratafia.
Puttwo pounds of Morella cherries into a bowl
with half a pound each of strawberries and
raspberries, bruise the fruit throughly, strew
over it 4 oz. of cane castor sugar, and leave
for 24 hours. Strain and measure the juice, and
to every pint allow 4 oz. cane sugar, a quart of
brandy, and a drachm of bruised cloves. In
fuse for a month, then filter and bottle.
Rhubarb Sherbet.
Boil a pound of sliced rhubarb in a pint of
water for 20 minutes, then strain, add lemon
juice and sugar to taste and serve cold.
Rhubarb Syrup.
Sea recipe for Apricot Syrup.
Rhubarb Vinegar.
See recipe for Cranberry Vinegar.
Rhubarb Wine.
Put 20 pounds of sliced rhubarb into a tub
with5gallonsofcold water,coverover and leave
for 2 days, then remove the scum and strain
the liquid, pressing the fruit well to extract
all the juice. Add 12 lb. of cane sugar, and
when dissolved, pour into a cask,reserving 2 or
3 quarts to fill up with. Cover the bung-hole
with a tile till the fermentation has quite ended,
then add 4 oz. of crushed sugar candy and 1
pint of brandy. Bung the cask securely and
leave it for 3 months, then rack oS the wine,
filter the lees, and fill up the cask again, adding
the thinly pared rind of 2 Seville oranges and
ioz.ofisinglass and 3oz. ofcrushed sugar candy
dissolved in a pint of the wine. Bung tightly
and leave for a year before bottling. Seal and
wire the corks and keep the wine for 9 months
longer before drinking it.
Rice Caudle.
Soak one and a half oz. of rice in half a pint of
water for an hour, then strain and put the rice
into a saucepan with the thinly pared rind of a