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Previous Page 1072-1073 / 2001 Next Page
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B h th

E t

l B


rac y erapy

x erna eam


Less time of work

8 weeks of treatment

6 -12 weeks recovery

+ recuperation

Continence unaffected

Continence unaffected

50% immediate continence

Mild LUTS in 70%

Mild LUTS in majority

75% by 3 months

Moderate LUTS in 30%

Moderate LUTS in 50%

90-95% by 6 months

Very low gastro-intestinal

Moderate GI toxicity in majority

Extremely low GI toxicity


Severe GI toxicity low, but dose


Preservation of potency

Relative preservation of potency

Potency never the same

Preservation of ejaculation

Preservation of ejaculation

True ejaculation does not

but may be reduced

but may be reduced


Fertility is preserved

Potential impact on fertility

Infertile (need IVF)


- adjunction of adjuvant external beam after surgery

adjunction of hormonal treatment
