CMSA Constitution and By-laws - page 29

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P a g e
Constitution of the Case Management
Society of Australia Limited (CMSA)
20. In clause 38 (e) to be moved to 38 (f) and replaced with Director application for leave of absence
from the Board.
21. In clause 38 (f) to be deleted and replaced with Director application for leave of absence.
22. In clause 38 (g) amendments to consecutive absences by any Board Member.
23. In clause 40 (a) amendments to quorum of Directors of meetings.
24. In clause 40 (b) to be deleted.
25. In clause 40 (c) to be moved to clause 40 (b).
26. In clause 44 (b) (i) amendments to include email for purpose of circular resolutions.
27. Adding clause 57 to empower and enable the Board to make By-Laws.
Result of voting: All votes received in favour
the twenty seven (27) amendments
It was thereby resolved on the 30
November 2012, at the Annual General Meeting of the Board and
Members, that pursuant to all votes in favour of (“for”) the special resolution (in person and by proxy)
that the twenty seven (27) amendments to the Constitution of the Case Management Society of
Australia Limited be approved and adopted with immediate effect as the Constitution of the Company,
in substitution for and to the exclusion of the existing Constitution of the Company which is repealed
by the resolution.
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