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Veterans Housing Fair
Housing Authority
The Housing Authority of the County of Riverside
hosted a Veteran Housing Fair on Tuesday, De-
cember 22
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There were
a total of 40+ Veterans present who were
served in one way or another. The event was
held at Harvest Christian Fellowship and includ-
ed an opening statement from Harvest Pastor
K.C. McCauley who thanked Veterans for their
service. Participants also heard from a former
homeless veteran who is now permanently
housed through the Section 8/Housing Choice
Voucher program. The Housing Authority worked
with the VA Loma Linda and issued HUD-VASH
vouchers to 11 homeless Veterans who had not
yet been connected to a housing provider. In
addition, many of the veterans present were
Fred Deliz, US Army
Fred Deliz received an Honorable discharge af-
ter serving in the U.S. Army for 9 years from
1988 to 1996. Things took a difficult turn two
years ago when he lost his job and was no long-
er able to maintain his housing. He later heard
about programs to assist Veterans with housing
through his church. Fred had been staying at a
local shelter when he was connected to an Out-
reach Worker in the City of Riverside who invited
him to attend the Veteran Housing Fair. While at
the Fair, he was connected with a Social Worker
through the VA Loma Linda and was issued a
HUD-VASH voucher. That very same day, the
Housing Authority connected him to a local
landlord who had reserved a unit for the Veter-
an Housing Fair. Fred did not return to the shel-
ter that night. Instead, he spent a warm evening
connected to other service providers such as:
Lighthouse Social Services, City of Riverside
Homeless Outreach Team, Behavioral Health,
and U.S. Vets.
We know that ending Veteran homelessness in-
volves various partners throughout the communi-
ty. Below are stories of two Veterans who recent-
ly moved into their apartments as a result of this
in his very own apartment. When asked how he
feels now that he has a home, he states, “I feel
like I now have some purpose and direction. I
mean, I feel empowered, fortunate and
Did you know...?
To date, the Housing
Authority’s programs have
housed over 1,000 homeless
veterans in Riverside County!