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Go tb en in your church of the cloud–

r eaching spire,

Wh icl1 g ives to t he sun his same look

of rerl fir e,

Where the nr ehcs :incl colnmn s nre gor–

geous witl1in,


t he walls seem as pure as a sou l

without sin;

Walk dow-n the long aisles, see th e ri ch

and tho great

In th e pomp aud the p ride of their

worldly estate ;

W alk down in your patch es, and find,

if y ou can,


Wbo opens a pew to a Mon eyless Man.

Go, look in the b a nks, · wh ere Mammon

has told

His hundreds ancl thousands of silver

and gold;

Wh ere, safe from the hands of the

starving and poor,

Lies pile upon pile of the glittering


Walk up to th eir count ers- ah, there

you may stay

'Till your limbs grow old, 'till y our

hairs grow gray,

And you'll find .at th e banks not one

of tbe clan

With money to lend to a Moneyless


Go, look to yon judge, in bis dark,

flowing gown,

With th e scales wher ein Jaw weigheth

equity clown;

Wh ere he frowns on th e weak an d

smil es on the stron g,

And punishes right whil st h e justifies


Where juries th eir lips to the Bible

have laid,

To r ender a verdict-they've already
