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AUGUST, 1925]

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


destroyed in the fire at the Registry of 1922.

The letters ask for secondary evidence of the

contents of the destroyed settlements, and

the Registrar requested the views of ^the

Council in reference to the circular letters.

The Council expressed their approval of the

letters, subject to provision being made for

payment by the Registry of the costs of

supplying the secondary evidence.

Compromises of Actions.

A report was submitted from the Privileges

Committee on the subject of attempted com–

promises of actions,

through conferences

taking place between Judge and Counsel in

the absence of Solicitors, and the Council

passed the following resolution, and directed

that a copy be sent to the Bar Council, with

a letter expressing the hope that the Bar

Council would pass a resolution of con–

currence with the terms of this resolution :

Resolved : " That in the opinion of the

Council of the Incorporated Law Society of

Ireland, Counsel should not confer with the

Judge with a view to compromising an

action without the Solicitors of the parties

being invited to be present ;

and, further,

the Council are of opinion that no arrange–

ment for a compromise should take place

between Counsel and client in the absence

of the Solicitor."

Roll of Solicitors.

The Secretary reported that on the applica–

tion of Counsel on behalf of the Society the

Chief Justice had made an order directing the

name of Charles P. O'Neill, of 27 South

Frederick Street, Dublin, to be struck off the

Roll of Solicitors.


The Council adjourned until Tuesday, 6th

October, unless otherwise specially summoned.


MR. WILLIAM B. HARDMAN, Solicitor, died

upon the 19th July, 1925, at Dublin.

Mr. Hardman served his apprenticeship

with his father, the late Mr. Townley W.

Hardman: was admitted in Michaelmas

Sittings, 1881, and practised at 14 Moles-

worth Street, Dublin, in partnership with

Mr. Hunt W. Hardman and Mr. Cyril H.

Hardman, under the style of T. W. Hardman

and Sons.

New Members.

The following have joined the Society:

Blake, Henry St. J., Eyre Square,


White, William, City Hall. Dublin.

The Society's Premises.

The Government, through the Board of

Works, have taken a lease of No. 45 Kildare

Street, Dublin (the town residence of Sir

Stanley Cochrane, Bart.), and the house has

been given over by the Board of Works to

the Society for occupation, pending a decision

being arrived at as to the re-building of the

Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts.

The Offices and Library of the Society have

been moved from 33 Molesworth Street to

45 Kildare Street. Telephone No. 4676.

Workmen's Compensation.

A Departmental Committee on Workmen's

Compensation has been appointed by the

Minister of Industry and Commerce to inquire

into the present system of the payment of

compensation to workers for injuries sustained

in the course of employment, and to consider

and report whether any amendments or

alterations in the law or administration are


The Committee have invited the Council

to nominate a representative to give evidence,

and at the request of the Council, Mr. W.

Gordon Bradley, Vice-President, has con–

sented to give evidence.

Members are requested to send to the

Secretary of the Society, 45 Kildare Street,

Dublin, notes of any suggestions which they

would desire to be submitted to the Com–
