PaceSetter Book - page 5

For more than 30 years I have been working to give young children their own brand of athletics
based on fun and team activities, work that has now been recognised throughout the UK and
increasingly throughout the world. In 1991 Frank Dick, the then British Athletic Federation‘s Chief
Coach, approached me asking me to write a suitable manual for working with children and to assist
with the creation of an activity scheme for use by local authorities.
I passed many of my ideas by my friends and associates asking for their opinions and feedback and in
time the original Pacesetter Manual was produced.
It has always been my intention that this original version would be updated and the task has now
been completed, with the dedicated effort of Sara Birkinshaw, to produce this edition of
Pacesetter – Working With Young Athletes
I would like to acknowledge and thank my many friends who kindly gave guidance and opinion to
help in the production of the original manual and this new version. Frank Dick was the technical
editor of the original version and Julie Nithsdale and Angela Littlewood were of particular help with
the sub-editing and presentation. In those early days I travelled the length and breadth of the UK
with George Uren and Lesley Pilkington initiating activity programmes, which were to become the
very successful UK Athletics Startrack programme.
In the production of this updated version Sara and I have been kindly assisted by Adrienne Dewhurst,
Alwyn Dewhurst, Keith Hancock, Erik Little, Paddy McGrattan, Mike Morley, Edward Parsons, Zoe
Parsons, Chris Smith, John Temperton, John Woodcock, George Uren and my son Ivan.
Finally, I must say a big thankyou to my dear wife Sheila who has patiently supported me throughout
the years and been of invaluable assistance.
George Bunner MBE
Honorary Secretary, International Fun and Team Athletics
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