PaceSetter Book - page 6

It is often the case that the beginner athletes are coached by beginner
coaches. This is a serious mistake. Beginner athletes have very specific
development needs and must be coached by those best equipped to do so.
You see if we do not get things right for the beginner athlete, we will
compromise his or her development and it will be expensive in terms of
time and energy to put things right later.
The starting point in creating the quantity of quality coaches required to address this task of coaching
beginners rests in the pages of this manual
Pacesetter - Working with Young Athletes
The Pacesetter manual captures the concept of providing the right momentum to personal
development through athletics activities; prepares coaches for this extremely important role in the
athlete’s development continuum and sets the framework of method and practice which bridge the
values and vision of the Pacesetter programme.
I feel privileged to remain associated with realising the dreams, shared with my good friend George
Bunner, of creating the right climate for young athletes to grow, develop and learn.
To the readers I wish every possible success and that immense pleasure which comes with helping
young people enjoy the thrill of personal discovery whilst achieving competitive goals.
To George and the international team who have made Pacesetter the shining beacon it is for athletes
and coaches, I extend my warmest congratulations. More than that, I thank you for the gift your
imagination and industry has brought to athletics.
Frank Dick
President, European Athletic Coaches Association
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