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frequent meetings which will offer lectures with subsequent dis­

cusions on subjectsconcerning international trade. Furthermore,

we intend topursueamatter whichwefeel isofgreat importance

tothe School aswell astoBrock-graduatescomingover here: We

believe that everyeffort shouldbemade tohave Højere Handels­

eksamen recognized in this country, as this would facilitate a

Brocker toenter anAmericancollegeor university.

By thus consolidating what we have built during the first few

years ofexistencewehopetobe able tostrengthenthetiesbetween

theoldSchool inCopenhagenandBrockereinthis country, aswell

asstrengthtenour ownorganizationhere.

»Old School«wesay,but naturally referring tothemanyyears

ofitsexistencenot toitsspirits, whichwehopewill remainyoung

andforgenerationstocomecontinuetobe:Agreat inspirationfor

leadershipandsuces inbusines. Withthis weextendourheartiest

congratulations, wishingyouabrightandmostprosperous future. -

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