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aswithin a fewweeks we could count more than ten members.

»Godt begyndt er halvt fuldendt«, we thought andwaited for the

»rest«tojoin ... Well, sonenoughwe realizedthat it wouldtake

alittlemoredoing, infact - alot more.

How to arouse the interest among the Brock-graduates around

thecountrywas our bigproblem. AnnouncementsinDanishpub­

lications issued or distributed in this country hardly brought any

response. Assitancefrom Foreningen in Copenhagen as well as

fromDanish Consulates over here were of little help. Even our

lettersofinvitationsaddressedtoeachBrocker knownto liveinthe

USAremainedunansweredinmanyinstances. It would, however,

on our part havebeenapoorshowingof »Brockaand«if we would


bers out of an estimated fifty US-Brockere after six months. It

surelydismayedus, but withBjornstjerneBjornson’s

»Loft dit hoved

Fra stiftelsen af

Niels Brock Associa­

tion, New York på

på Sulgrave Hotel

under direktør Aage

Rasmussens besøg i

maj 1959-