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Ch ristian sb o rg Castle was b u rn e d down twice, b u t the w ing

in which the C o u rt T h eatre is situated bo th times escaped the

flames. It was built in 1742, and, in 1766, on the model of Ver-

sailles, the T h eatre was arra ng ed by N . H . Jard in , the F rench

architect. Ch ristian V II (1749—1808), K ing of D e nm a rk and

No rw a y , called in a F rench tro up e on whom he conferred the

title of »H is M a je sty ’s o rd in ary actors, for the o rn am e n t and

h o n o u r of the Court«. G en erou sly suppo rted by the King, the

troup e gave performances till A p ril 1773, and its most diver-

sified reperto ry was published in 14 volumes u n d e r the title

of »Thé åtre Royal de D annemarc« . Th e actors belonged to the

personal circle of the King, and M on sieu r la Tour, »jeun e p re ­

mier« of the troupe, p romp ted the king, when, in 1768, he

performed, on the C o u rt Theatre, the character of Su ltan Oros-

ma n in V o ltaire’s trag edy of »Zaire«, togeth er w ith some fa-

vourites as fellow-players. A t the same time the C o u rt T h eatre

was u sed for »Bals masqués parés en domino«, a n d at such a

festival Caroline Math ilde (a sister of King Geo rg e III) , the

k ing ’s English-born consort, danced, for the last time, with

h e r lover, the M in ister af State, C o u n t Struensee d u rin g the

n igh t of J a n u a ry 16th 1772, preceding his imp risonmen t and

sub sequ en t execution and h er banishment. A silk tapestried

room, still extant, is said, according to tradition, to have been