UPM Annual Report 2014
UPM Annual Report 2014
Jussi Pesonen
President and CEO
M.Sc. (Eng.)
Born 1960, Finnish citizen
Member of the Group Executive Team since 2001.
Employed by UPM-Kymmene Corporation since
Several management positions in the UPM Paper
Divisions 1987–2001. COO of the Paper Divisions
and Deputy to the President and CEO 2001–2004.
President and CEO since 2004.
Chairman of the Board of Ilmarinen Mutual Pension
Insurance Company and the Finnish Forest Indus-
tries Federation (FFIF). Co-Chairman of the Forest
Solutions Group (FSG) in World Business Council for
Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Board member
of the Confederation of European Paper Industries
(CEPI) and East Office of Finnish Industries Oy.
Heikki Vappula
Executive Vice President, UPM Biorefining
M.Sc. (Econ.)
Born 1967, Finnish citizen
Member of the Group Executive Team since 2010.
Employed by UPM-Kymmene Corporation since
Sales Manager, Balance Consulting Oy 1992–1993.
Management Accountant, Nokia Group, Finland
1993–1995. Several management positions at Nokia
Networks Corporation in Finland, Denmark, the
UK and Hungary 1996–2002. Vice President of
Nokia Mobile Phones Supply Line Management
2002–2006. Senior Vice President, UPM Sourcing
2006–2010. President, Energy and Pulp Business
Group 2010–2013.
Board member of the Finnish Forest Industries
Federation (FFIF).
Tapio Kolunsarka
Executive Vice President, UPM Raflatac
M.Sc. (Eng.), M.Sc. (Econ.)
Born 1975, Finnish citizen
Member of the Group Executive Team since 2013
Employed by UPM-Kymmene Corporation since 2002.
Associate, McKinsey & Company 2000–2002. Several
management positions at UPM Raflatac in Finland
and in the USA 2002–2008. Senior Vice President,
UPM Raflatac, Europe 2008–2011. Senior Vice Presi-
dent, UPM Raflatac, Europe, Middle-East and Africa
Kim Poulsen
Executive Vice President, UPM Paper Asia
M.Sc. (Econ.)
Born 1966, Finnish citizen
Member of the Group Executive Team since 2013.
Employed by UPM-Kymmene Corporation since
General Manager, Koskisen Ltd. 1993–1996. Several
management positions at Finnforest Ltd. in Finland,
United Kingdom and Germany 1996–2006. President
and CEO, Paloheimo Group and Fenestra Ltd.
2006–2010. Senior Vice President, UPM Plywood
2011–2013. Executive Vice President, Paper Business
Asia Pacific and Corporate Relations 2013.
Bernd Eikens
Executive Vice President, UPM Paper ENA
Ph.D. (Eng.)
Born 1965, German citizen
Member of the Group Executive Team since 2013.
Employed by UPM-Kymmene Corporation since
Senior Process Engineer, International Paper Co.
1996–1998. Several management positions at UPM
Nordland Papier 1998–2005. President, UPM-
Kymmene Inc. North America 2005–2008. Senior
Vice President, Supply Chain, Paper Business Group
Board member of EUROGRAPH, the European
Association of Graphic Paper Producers and German
Pulp and Paper Association VDP. Chairman of the
Owners’ Committee of Madison Paper Industries.
Board member of Johann Bunte Bauunternehmung
GmbH & Co. KG.
Tapio Korpeinen
CFO, Executive Vice President, UPM Energy
M.Sc. (Tech.), MBA
Born 1963, Finnish citizen
Member of the Group Executive Team since 2008.
Employed by UPM-Kymmene Corporation since
Several management positions at Jaakko Pöyry
Consulting in Finland and North America 1991–1998
and 1999–2005. A.T. Kearney in Finland 1998–1999
and McKinsey & Company in Sweden 1988–1990.
Vice President, Corporate Development and Senior
Vice President, Strategy, UPM 2005–2008. President,
Energy and Pulp Business Group, 2008–2010.
CFO since 2010.
Chairman of the Board of Pohjolan Voima Oy. Board
member of Teollisuuden Voima Oyj and Kemijoki Oy.
Supervisory board member of Varma Mutual Pension
Insurance Company.
Group Executive Team
Mika Sillanpää
Executive Vice President, UPM Plywood
M.Sc. (Eng.)
Born 1958, Finnish citizen
Member of the Group Executive Team since 2013.
Employed by UPM-Kymmene Corporation since
Several management positions at UPM Raflatac in
Finland and in France 1985–2000. Vice President,
UPM Raflatac Europe 2001–2003. Senior Vice Presi-
dent, Strategic Development, UPM Raflatac Group
2003–2008. Vice President, Sourcing at UPM Raflatac
Group 2008–2013.
Kari Ståhlberg
Executive Vice President, Strategy
M.Sc. (Eng.)
Born 1971, Finnish citizen
Member of the Group Executive Team since 2013.
Employed by UPM-Kymmene Corporation since
Management Consultant at Jaakko Pöyry Consult-
ing Oy 1998–2000. M&A Advisor at JP Capital
International Limited in the UK 2000–2006. Invest-
ment Manager at Finnish Industry Investment Ltd
2006–2007. Director, M&A, UPM-Kymmene Corpo-
ration 2007–2010. Senior Vice President, Corporate
Strategy 2010–2013.
Juha Mäkelä
General Counsel
Born 1962, Finnish citizen
Member of the Group Executive Team since 2008.
Employed by UPM-Kymmene Corporation since
Several positions in law firms 1991–1996. Positions as
legal counsel and senior legal counsel in KONE
Corporation 1997–2004.
Supervisory Board member of Kemijoki Oy.
Jyrki Ovaska
Executive Vice President, Technology
M.Sc. (Eng.)
Born 1958, Finnish citizen
Member of the Group Executive Team since 2002.
Employed by UPM-Kymmene Corporation since
Several management positions at United Paper
Mills Ltd and UPM in the Printing Papers Division
1984–2001. President, Fine and Speciality Papers
Division 2002–2003. President, Magazine Paper
Division 2004–2008. President, Paper Business Group
Vice Chairman of AmCham Finland (The American
Chamber of Commerce in Finland). Board member of
FIBIC, Finnish Bioeconomy Cluster.
Riitta Savonlahti
Executive Vice President, Human Resources
M.Sc. (Econ.)
Born 1964, Finnish citizen
Member of the Group Executive Team since 2004.
Employed by UPM-Kymmene Corporation since
HR Specialist positions at ABB 1990–1994. Human
Resources Manager at Nokia Mobile Phones, Salo
Operations 1995–2000. Senior Vice President, Human
Resources at Raisio Group 2000–2001. Senior Vice
President, Human Resources at Elcoteq Network
Corporation 2001–2004.
Board member of Posti Group Corporation.
Pirkko Harrela
Executive Vice President, Stakeholder Relations
Born 1960, Finnish citizen
Member of the Group Executive Team since 2004.
Employed by UPM-Kymmene Corporation since
Several positions in Communications in Finnpap
and UPM Paper Division 1985–2002. Vice President,
Corporate Communications of UPM 2003, Execu-
tive Vice President, Corporate Communications
Member of S-Group’s CSR Advisory Group.