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he NHFC is ably

chaired by Professor Michael

Katz. His extensive experience

in corporate and commercial law,

takeovers and acquisitions, and

empowerment ventures spans over

40 years.

He has guided, shaped and con-

tributed to the NHFC’s success in

order to meet government’s housing

needs and the Minister of Human

Settlements’ mandate.

The NHFC has proved its worth.

Each new Minister has endorsed the

hierarchy and continued toworkwith

those appointed by Joe Slovo, first

Minister of Housing in the new de-

mocracy and Eric Molobi, the NHFC’s

first Chairperson.


: As Chairperson of the NHFC

what were the challenges in

overseeing government’s key

development finance institution?


: From day one, I knew that the role

of the NHFC as a Development Fi-

nance Institution (DFI) would evolve

and be reviewed, as it remains an

important and relevant vehicle to

addressmarket failure in the segment

of the market it served (R1 500 to

R 15 000). It had to undertake greater

risk to nurture and develop the newly

targeted housing market. This also

had to be done on a self-sustaining

basis, and be complementary, that

is ‘crowd in the private sector’, rather

than being competitive.


: Did you work with Eric Molobi

before taking over the Chair from the

iconic housing innovator?


: Yes I did. We were both appointed

in 1996, byMinister Joe Slovo, the first

Minister of Housing after 1994.


: What are the highlights looking

back over NHFC’s history?


: The NHFC was the only housing

DFI setup on a self-sustaining basis

to serve both urban and rural markets

on a national basis.

The corporation piloted the sec-

ondary home loan process to create

significant housing opportunities,

through Gateway Home Loans, a

wholly-owned subsidiary. It pio-

neered and stabilised the financing

of Social Rental housing, and helped

the development of this sector in

South Africa.

The state-owned entity became

the largest inner city affordable rental

financier, either directly or through

its associate company, the Trust for

Urban Housing Finance (TUHF).

One notable milestone includes

successfully piloting the employee

assisted housing scheme in the min-

ing sector with Implats. This led to

the delivery of 2 000 units through

Home Front. Funding for private

and social rental housing increased

due to partnerships with multilat-

eral agencies such as the French

development agency (AFD) and the

Money makes the world go round. Pouring over

financials, profits, losses and interest rate cycles and

working with it to create an effective, sustainable

development finance institution,

are things that the National Housing

Finance Corporation, Chair, CEO and

Board members, do regularly.

Michael Katz