The Buxton Recreation Department offers a variety of recreation opportunities for all ages, all seasons.
We sell discounted tickets to Funtown Splashtown USA, Attitash Mountain Ski Resort, Maine Wildlife
Park, Water Country, and Smittys Cinema. Buxton Rec received 9 pairs of snowshoes from Cabelas and
they are available for a $5.00 rental fee. To purchase/rent them you may see anyone in the front office at
Town Hall.
Martial arts, dance, swimming lessons, VIP trips, horsemanship, and basketball are some children’s
activities offered for preschoolers up to high school. We have almost 200 participate in our popular soccer
program for children 3 to 18 years old. It operates September and October at Town Farm Park.
The after school program continues its long-standing service to our children in grades K-5. It is held at
the Buxton Center Elementary School from 3-6 pm while school is in session. Our program provides
a safe after school environment and offers snacks, drinks, outside and/or gym time play and help with
Summer Camp is held at Buxton Center Elementary School and continues to grow. This year we are
separating the older and younger kids for more variety and fun. We went on three field trips each week
to places like Wassamki Springs, Aquaboggan and Happy Wheels. We have themed weeks this summer,
many special guests, games, and projects planned.
Buxton Recreation will again be operating self-
sufficiently; we request zero tax payer dollars! I
would like to thank my colleagues at the Town and
the School District for their support and assistance.
Thanks to the citizens of Buxton; your volunteering,
support, and participation in our programs is
greatly appreciated. Please visit our website: www.
buxtonrec.comfor more information or to sign up.
Recreation Department
Tasha Pinkham
Recreation Director