Highlight California dairy farmers’ commitment to supporting in-school nutrition and
physical activity programs
Connect dairy producers and educators to learn from each other and encourage program
Provide visibility for dairy processors
Leverage new scientific research and nutrition information to inform and influence
health professionals surrounding the importance of dairy foods in a healthy diet
Fuel Up to Play 60 Hometown Grant Publicity
California Dairy Magazine reported on CMAB’s support of the 49ers Hometown Grant.
The article was titled “Dairy Families Show Commitment to Youth Health & Wellness
with $20,000 Grant.”
En Español Grant Funds at Madera Unified School District
April 4
the CMAB worked with the Madera Unified School District to announce
placement of $44,000 in unused grant funding from the en español rollout to implement
healthy eating and physical activity plays at 11 schools with an event at John J. Pershing
Elementary School in Madera.
The event featured presentations from district and school representatives as well as dairy
family and CMAB/Fuel Up representatives. We also worked with the Dairy Council of
California to feature a Mobile Dairy Classroom assembly for students.
FUTP 60 Evaluation
Work began compiling quantitative data for evaluation of the Fuel Up to Play 60
Development continued of a telephone survey of Fuel Up to Play 60 participants,
partners, teams and affiliated contacts for final evaluation and report.
Began partnership with MEG Research to conduct telephone surveys and evaluation of
Fuel Up feedback.
Additional activities included:
Continued participating with the Local School Wellness Policy Collaborative and Action
for Healthy Kids executive committee.
Reviewed and provided feedback to national team on upcoming 2017/2018 Playbook.
Reviewed Student Ambassador submissions. Due to a lack of qualifying students,
California will not be sending a student to the Student Ambassador Summit this year.