From left to right: Seated: Paul Tuomainen, ASB Social Chairman, Dennis Vice, ASB Secretary, Steph
DeSales, ASB President, Ed Ostermeyer, ASB Vice President, Richard Dittbenner, Student Court justice.
Standing: Bob Beers, Sophomore Class President, Jesse Nunez, Junior Class President, Bob Healy, IFC
President, Jim Persons, Freshman Class President, Steve Wojdowski, ASB Treasurer.
This year the A.S.B. has taken several bold steps for
the development of a more effective student govern
ment. For the first time, the decision-making process of
the A.S.B. was expanded to include representatives of
the classes, the resident students, the fraternities and the
seminaries. These representatives, with the A.S.B. offi
cers, form the Legislative Council.
The Legi-Council acts with and upon the recom
mendations of the A.S.B. Among the innovations initi
ated by the Legi-Council were a well-organized regis
tration process, an effective freshman orientation pro
gram and the first annual Parents' Day—Open House.
The organization also aided the A.S.B. in the publication
of a Student Handbook explaining school procedures,
clubs and the social calendar; in the sponsoring of the
first successful major cultural event in several years—the
Monterey Jazz Festival; and in the opening of a Student
The Legi-Council, as its main function, acts in an
advisory position to the A.S.B.