The International Tube Association’s next
biennial technical conference, organised
jointly with Ihlas Fuar, will take place at
the WOW Hotel and Convention Centre in
Istanbul from 2-3 November 2009.
The provisional timetable for the
conference on 2 November 2009
features welded, seamless and non-
ferrous papers as well as a market
overview presentation by Metal Bulletin
Research. Sessions will be conducted
in two very well appointed conference
rooms, with simultaneous Turkish,
Russian and English translation.
On the evening of 2 November all delegates
and speakers will join with those from the
concurrent wire conference to enjoy a social
event at the famous Binbirdirek Cistern,
located in the old city, close to Hagia Sophia
and the Blue Mosque. On 3 November
optional plant visits will be available.
The gala dinner will involve an evening
of traditional Turkish entertainment. This
will form part of the ITA’s 30
celebrations. A selection of sightseeing
tours will also be on offer to delegates and
their partners before, during and after the
conference days.
The joint organisers for the conference are
recruiting a high quality panel of speakers
for the technical programme and a call for
papers was issued in November 2008.
Anyone interested in submitting an abstract
for consideration should contact the ITA
secretariat immediately.
The ITA’s sister organisation, the
International Wire & Machinery Association,
is co-organising a concurrent wire
conference Istanbul Cable & Wire 09. This
will be a similar format to the ITA’s Prague
conferences held in 2005, when a total of
400 delegates participated at the joint events
with many enjoying the synergies of these
complimentary technical events.
Confirmed conference sponsors include
Borusan Mannesman Boru San,
Tube &
Pipe Technology
Tube Products
Magazine, Messe Düsseldorf
GmbH and Boru Magazine.
International Tube Association
– UK
: +44 1926 314755
www.tube-istanbul.comTube India 2010 to be held in Mumbai
The organizers of Tube India 2010, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH and Messe Düsseldorf
India Pvt Ltd, have announced that the show will be held in the new location of Mumbai.
Set to take place from 10-12 February 2010, the event will build on the success of the
last event held in New Delhi.
A satellite event of Tube Düsseldorf, Tube India 2010 will take place at the Bombay
Exhibition Centre in Mumbai. Tube India will be joined by two concurrent shows –
Metallurgy India 2010 and Schweissen & Schneiden India 2010.
This event will be held under the patronage of the International Tube Association (ITA),
International Tube Association – India Management Board (ITA-IMB), and the German
Engineering Federation (VDMA).
At the 2008 event, over 215 companies participated from 18 countries, inclusive of
country pavilions, which were showcased by Austria, China and Germany. Compared
to 2006, these 3 shows witnessed an increase of 121 per cent in the exhibitor numbers
and 54.8 per cent in visitor numbers.
Messe Düsseldorf India Pvt Ltd
– India
: +91 11 2697 1746
www.tube-india.comITA continues technical tradition with Istanbul conference
Istanbul will play host city to the ITA’s major 2009 technical conference