linrnqmrateir Jain j^nddu of
Vol. XXI, No. 9]
MARCH, 1928.
2nd February.
Twenty-one Members Present.
Special Examiners.
The Council appointed Mr. Vincent D.
Keirans and Mr. J. Malvern White, Solicitors,
to be Special Examiners for the Intermediate
and Final Examinations.
Council of Law Reporting.
The Council appointed Mr. Henry P.
Mayne to be a representative of the Council
Incorporated Council
Grants of Probate to Bodies Corporate.
A draft Bill received from its promoters,
the object of which is to enable grants.:of
probate to be made to bodies corporate/ was
submitted to the Council with the request of
its promoters that the Council would express
approval of the Bill. The Council in reply
expressed its disapproval of the Bill and of
its object.
Land Commission.
In reply to a request from the Council that
owners of head rents of estates subject to
Land Commission proceedings should get
notice of the fixing of the-appointed day, a
letter was read from the Secretary of the
Land Commission stating that the Land
Commission, being desirous of facilitating the
profession in every possible way, and while
unable to assume any obligation to make
enquiries or to serve notices beyond what is
imposed on them by the Statute and Rules,
they are prepared, in cases where on the
publication of a Final List, Section 24, or the
making of a Vesting Order, Section 36, a
Statement of Ownership has been filed, to
send a notice of payment of the purchase
money into Court to claimants and to other
persons (if any) who might have entered an
appearance in the matter.
In Section 24
cases a copy of the Final List would serve as
notice ;
in Section 36 cases a notice in express
terms would be sent. The Council directed a
letter to be written thanking the Land Com
mission for their action in the matter.
23rd February.
Twenty-three Members present.
Colonial Solicitors' Act.
A letter was read in reply from the Minister
for Justice stating that the Council's request
to the Executive Council that steps should
be taken to have the Colonial Solicitors' Act,
1900, applied to Saorstat Eireann will have
the Minister's attention.
Costs Query.
A report from the Costs Committee express
ing the opinion that the scale fees prescribed
under Rule 52 (7) of the Labourers (Ireland)
Order, 1914, are intended to cover pro
fessional charges only, and the Solicitor is
entitled to be paid by the Council his outlay
over and above the fees referred to, was
MR. JOHN A. LEIGHTON, Solicitor, died
upon the 7th February, 1928, at his residence,
Springbrook, Ballycarry, Co. Antrim.
Mr. Leighton was admitted in Hilary
Sittings, 1899, and practised at 32 Ann Street,
MR. LEWIS J. WAITERS, Solicitor, died
upon the 12th February, 1928, at Kilkenny.
Mr. Watters was admitted in Michaelmas
Term, 1875, and practised at Kilkenny.
He was Crown Solicitor for the County and
City of Kilkenny from 1887 to 1922.