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Further information on the Company’s businesses and strategy is provided in Chapter 1 of this Registration Document.



Company name and address

Company name: Assystem

Registered office: 70, boulevard de Courcelles, 75017 Paris, France

Telephone: + 33 (0)1 55 65 03 00

Fax: + 33 (0)1 55 65 00 49

All of Assystem’s corporate documents may be consulted free of charge

at the Company’s registered office.

Statutory Auditors

The Company has two Statutory Auditors appointed in compliance with

Article L. 225-228 of the French Commercial Code.

Date of incorporation and term

Date of incorporation: 26 April 1997

Expiry date of Company’s term: 27 May 2096

Registration particulars

The Company is registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry

under number 412 076 937. Its French business identifier (NAF) code

is 7010 Z (head office activities).

Legal form and applicable legislation

At the Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting held on

22 May 2014, the shareholders modified the Company’s administration

and management structure.

Originally incorporated in the form of a

société anonyme

(public limited

company) with a Management Board and a Supervisory Board, as from

22 May 2014 Assystem adopted the form of a

société anonyme

with a

Board of Directors, governed by the provisions of Book II of the French

Commercial Code and by its Articles of Association (see Chapter 2 of

this Registration Document).

Corporate purpose

As set out in Article 2 of its Articles of Association, the Company’s

corporate purpose can be summarised as follows:

acquiring equity interests – by way of subscription, contribution,

purchase or otherwise – and exercising any and all associated rights,

in any enterprise operating in a technological, technical, IT, electronic

or mechanical field, and more specifically:

consultancy, research and engineering,

training, support and maintenance,

systems and network operation and facilities management;

developing and distributing products, equipment, hardware and


effectively leading the Group and determining its overall strategy;

participating in any operation related to its corporate purpose, by

creating new companies, subscribing for or purchasing shares, taking

part in mergers or joint ventures, or by any other means;

carrying out any financial, commercial, industrial or civil business

activity or transaction involving movable or immovable assets, which

may be directly or indirectly associated with the Company’s corporate

purpose or which may be likely to further its development, on the

Company’s own account or on behalf of third parties, or through any

form of ownership interest whatsoever.

The Company’s role with regard to its subsidiaries

Assystem is a holding company whose assets are essentially composed

of equity securities. The Group’s operational assets are held by the

Company’s subsidiaries.

Assystem directly or indirectly provides services for companies in its

Group, notably in the areas of finance, accounting and general and

administrative management.

A list of consolidated companies as at 31 December 2016 is set out

in Chapter 6 of this Registration Document (Note 3 to the consolidated

financial statements) and a simplified organisational chart of the

Assystem Group is provided in Chapter 1, Section 1.3.

The financing for Group subsidiaries is carried out in a centralised way,

which enables them to benefit from the favourable market conditions

obtained by Assystem from lenders. This also allows Assystem to offset

the lender and borrower positions of its various entities.

Financial year

The Company has a 12-month financial year, commencing on 1 January

and ending on 31 December.

Profit distribution

Profit or loss for the year represents the difference between total

income and total expenses, including charges to and reversals from

depreciation, amortisation and provisions.

Five percent of profit for the year, less any losses carried forward from

previous years, is allocated to the legal reserve, until such time as that

reserve represents one-tenth of the Company’s share capital. Further