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transfers are made on the same basis if the legal reserve falls to below

one tenth of the share capital.

Profit available for distribution consists of profit for the year plus retained

earnings from previous years, less any losses brought forward from

previous years and any amounts transferred to reserves in accordance

with the law or the Company’s Articles of Association. On the

recommendation of the Board of Directors, shareholders at the Annual

General Meeting determine the portion of profit to be allocated to

shareholders in the form of a dividend, and the portion to be allocated to

general or special reserves, with the remaining balance being allocated

to retained earnings.

However, except in the case of a capital reduction, no dividend may

be paid to shareholders if the Company’s equity represents – or would

represent after the planned dividend payout – less than the sum of its

share capital plus any reserves which, under the applicable law or the

Company’s Articles of Association, are not available for distribution.

In addition, the shareholders may resolve to distribute amounts taken

from discretionary reserves, either to pay all or part of an ordinary

dividend or as a special dividend. In this case, the related resolution

must stipulate the reserve accounts from which the dividend is to be

deducted. However, dividends are deducted in priority from distributable

profit for the year.

The revaluation reserve may not be distributed, but all or part of it may

be incorporated into the Company’s capital.

Timeframe for claiming dividends

Any dividends not claimed within five years of the date of their payment

revert to the French State.

Registrar and paying agent

Since 11 February 2016, the Company’s registrar and paying agent

has been Société Générale Securities Services, 32 rue du Champ de

Tir – CS 30812 – 44308 Nantes Cedex 3, France.

Stock exchange

Assystem shares are listed on compartment B of Euronext Paris under

ISIN FR 0000074148.

They are included in the CAC All-Tradable index and the MID & SMALL

190 index.

They are eligible for equity savings schemes (PEA) and the deferred

settlement service (SRD).

General Meetings

The specific procedures relating to shareholder participation in General

Meetings are described in Article 19 of the Articles of Association.

General Meetings are held at the Company’s registered office or any

other location specified in the notice of meeting.

The right to participate in General Meetings is governed by the

applicable law and regulations. In particular, in order for a shareholder

to participate in a General Meeting their shares must be recorded in

their own name or in the name of the bank or broker that manages the

shareholder’s securities account by 00:00 (Paris time) on the second

business day preceding the Meeting. If the shares are held in registered

form they must be recorded in the share register kept by the Company

(or its agent) and if they are in bearer form they must be recorded in a

bearer share account kept by an accredited intermediary.

If a shareholder cannot personally attend a General Meeting, he or

she may select one of the following three options, each subject to the

conditions stipulated in the applicable law and regulations:

appoint a named proxy under the conditions authorised by the

applicable law and regulations;

vote remotely; or

send a proxy to the Company without indicating a specific named


Subject to the conditions stipulated by the applicable law and

regulations, the Board of Directors may decide that shareholders may

participate and vote at General Meetings by videoconference or by

other means of telecommunication that enable their identification. If the

Board of Directors decides to use this option for a General Meeting,

the decision must be stated in the preliminary and/or final notice of

the Meeting concerned.

Shareholders taking part in General Meetings by videoconference

or by any other means of telecommunication as indicated above,

depending on the choice of the Board of Directors, are considered to

be in attendance for the purposes of


and majority calculations.

General Meetings are chaired by the Chairman of the Board of

Directors, or in his or her absence, by the CEO, by a Deputy CEO if

he or she is a director, or by a director specifically appointed for this

purpose by the Board. Failing this, the General Meeting elects its own


The role of scrutineers at a General Meeting is carried out by the two

shareholders present at the meeting who hold or represent the largest

number of voting rights and who agree to take on the role. The meeting

officers thus appointed then appoint a secretary, who need not be a


An attendance register containing all of the information provided for

by law is kept for each General Meeting.

An Ordinary General Meeting held on first call is only validly constituted

if the shareholders present or represented hold at least one fifth of the

shares with voting rights. An Ordinary General Meeting held on second

call is validly constituted irrespective of the number of shareholders

present or represented.

Resolutions in Ordinary General Meetings are adopted by a straight

majority vote of the shareholders present or represented.

An Extraordinary General Meeting held on first call is only validly

constituted if the shareholders present or represented hold at least

one quarter of the shares with voting rights. An Extraordinary General

Meeting held on second call is only validly constituted if the shareholders

present or represented hold at least one fifth of the shares with voting


Resolutions in Extraordinary General Meetings are adopted by a two-

thirds majority vote of the shareholders present or represented.