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The overall system also involves the participation of external players,

including the Statutory Auditors. It is not part of the legal engagement

of the Statutory Auditors to assume ownership of the internal control

and risk management systems. Their responsibility is to review these

systems and to issue an independent opinion on their suitability. Each

year the Statutory Auditors perform a Group audit as part of their legal

engagement to certify the consolidated financial statements and to audit

the separate financial statements of Group companies. In compliance

with French commercial law, the certification of Assystem’s consolidated

and parent company financial statements is carried out by two Statutory

Auditors, who jointly examine all the financial statements, the methods

used for their preparation and specific internal control procedures

related to the preparation of accounting and financial information. The

Statutory Auditors present their observations concerning the Chairman’s

report and the internal control procedures relating to the preparation

and processing of accounting and financial information, and they certify

that the other information required by law has been disclosed.

Internal control objectives

The Group’s internal control system aims to provide appropriate and

reasonable assurance of:

the reliability of financial information;

compliance with the applicable legislation and regulations;

the proper functioning of internal processes, such as those used to

safeguard the Company’s business and assets;

the application of instructions and guidelines stipulated by the Board

of Directors.

More generally, it helps the Group manage its business activities and

ensure the effectiveness of its operations and processes and the efficient

use of its resources.

In line with the above, the internal control system has five main objectives which can be summarised as follows:


Reasonable assurance


That the financial information produced and published is reliable.


That the applicable laws, regulations, standards and all other obligations are respected.


That operations, activities and processes work effectively and efficiently.


That assets (human, tangible and intangible) are secure and protected.


That the Group’s strategy and the resources put in place to implement it contribute to achieving the objectives

of growth, profitability and business sustainability.

Components of the internal control system

The main procedures of the internal control system, in particular those

relating to the preparation and processing of accounting and financial

information, are described in the Section below, “Organisation,

responsibilities, operating procedures and tools”. ORGANISATION, RESPONSIBILITIES, OPERATING PROCEDURES



The Group’s organisational structure is largely decentralised, which

by definition results in a high degree of delegation of operational,

functional and legal responsibilities to company officers and managers.

Its internal control system and information systems therefore need to be

adapted to this structure in order to effectively contribute to monitoring

its operations.

Delegations of authority and responsibilities are drawn up in writing

after approval by management.

The Group’s Code of Conduct, validated by the Board of Directors, is

available to all employees.


The responsibilities assigned to employees are set out in writing in

job descriptions which are validated by their line managers and

supplemented, where applicable, by delegations of authority. Job

descriptions help to clarify the nature of the work and transactions for

which the employees are responsible by clearly describing the type and

method of supervision applicable and by integrating, where required,

the internal control dimension by setting out their responsibilities related

to complying with and updating procedures, etc.

The delegations of authority describe the permanent or temporary

transfer of responsibilities and chiefly relate to the departments involved

in financial transactions (incurring and authorising capital expenditure,

ceilings set regarding procurement, supplier payments, etc.). The bank

signing powers put in place at local level must reflect these delegations

of authority as closely as possible.

Having suitable resources to achieve its objectives is essential for the

Group, notably due to the high levels of staff turnover. The Human

Resources Departments play a key role in guaranteeing this suitability.

In conjunction with the Operations Departments, they draw up staff

training plans and coordinate annual performance appraisals during

which the achievements for the past year are reviewed, targets for

the following year are set and the skills that need to be acquired or

consolidated are identified.