October Beacon - page 22

Activity Director – Notes for October. It’s almost the end of
the fun at the NCYC, but not quite!!!
October 4 – 6
is the Haul Out Party
weekend. Activities include: the
winners of the elections are
announced, followed by a dinner
and party to celebrate. This year
the theme is St Patrick’s Day and the menu sounds delicious.
Saturday morning, October 12
and 19
9 am : Work
weekends to close the club. If you didn’t get your 4 work
hours logged in the spring, please be sure to attend. If not,
you will be billed for hours not worked. We hate to have
people pay to miss a fun event like closing up. Some of the
best stories of new friendships started at these events.
Oct 25 - 27 – Rendezvous by land to Toledo.
Here is a chance to visit several yacht clubs in the Toledo area. A casino
stop is planned. See flyer in this Beacon for details
Check the recent fanout for the details.
And don’t forget to get your
reservations in asap.
Dockside Six will be
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