October Beacon - page 38

NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes
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Commodore’s Comments
Commodore, Don Vanover
There are still a lot of activities for September. Thanks to the Fleet Captains, Greg and Yvonne
Murray for the great rendezvous this year. The participation was great. Thanks to the week
managers, there was a lot of extra work this year due to many incoming rendezvous. I want to
thank all of the candidates for stepping up. Good luck to all. Thanks to the Board of Directors
for a great year. Also, a big thank you to the membership for your participation this year.
Vice-Commodore’s Comments
Vice Commodore, John Anderson
Thanks to everyone for all your participation this year. That is what made this year so great.
Also I would like to show my appreciation and admiration to all of the candidates who stepped
forward this year to run for officers of this club.
Rear-Commodore’s Comments
Rear Commodore, Brian McEvoy
I would also like to thank everyone for coming to the clubhouse this weekend. It is nice to see a
full clubhouse and harbor. Thanks to PC John Dickson and the nominating committee for
getting good people to step up. It is a lot of work and a lot of emails and phone calls.
Financial Report
Treasurer, Chuck Stroh
Chuck Stroh went over the financial report that was passed out to all the members. He
indicated that the cover page was a little different this year, it shows this year versus last year’s
totals. We are ahead of the game as of the end of July. By the end of August, we should be
about $16,000 over last year. Some highlights: Bar sales are up from last year, publications, we
have about $900 in advertising, new membership is up and activities should be about $6,500 by
August 1
. VC John and the club will be in a good position next year. We will be closing on the
loan next week.
Moved by PC Rick Romatz to accept the financial report. Seconded by PC John Sevald.
Motion Carried
ABYA Report
P/C Tom McHugh
ABYA held meetings at Belvedere Boat Club and Conger Bay. Both clubs were thankful to NCYC
for providing the finrunners to transport people to those meetings. The ABYA dinner that was
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