Inter-Club CouncilChairman: GuyWebb
Guy Webb - usually greeted with a nauseating
'Hey Guy' at least once a day, this man still manages
to do his job. Always busy looking for a Brooks Bros,
or Neiman Marcus sale,Guy is responsible for co
ordinating A.S.B. wardrobes with a few individualis
tic exceptions (you know who you are!). He is also the
official representative of the collective interest of the
I.C.C. and amember ofthe Budget Committee, Pro
gram Board, andSenate. In his spare time, Guy goes
crocodile hunting in the swamps of Guilin's and
Laub's apartment.
This bevy of beauties can usually be found
scattered aroundthe ASBoffices typing innu
merable memos, committee notes and revi
sions of everything fromASB by laws to inter
office love/hate mail. An everchanging honor
guard to the ASB phones and files boxes. We
admire their capabilities in an everchanging
ASB Secretaries