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Summer snow in the Brunni

From the 2016/17 winter sea-

son, the technica l snow for the slopes

in the Brunni area will be made f rom

solar power and pure mountain

spring water. Last spring, a solar

power plant was insta lled on the

roof of the old mountain station on

Ristis. The plant has a capacity of 27

kWp and is expec ted to y ield around

28,000 kWh per year. This is enough

to power ten households – or, in the

case of the Brunni area, the amount

of elec tricity needed to produce tech-

nica l snow for the slopes between

Ristis and the Brunni mountain

hut. To ensure the snow produc tion

is carbon-neutra l, Brunni-Bahnen

Engelberg will on ly use surplus

spring water and solar elec tricity.

To v iew the power plant ’s

current capacity as well as oth-

er information about it, v isit:

ht tp:/



info/sonnenkraf twerk/

Twenty electrifying years

In 2016, Niederberger Elek tro

und Mu ltimedia is celebrating its

20th anniversar y. Beppi Niederberg-

er founded the elec trica l company in

1996 with four employees; today he

employs 22. They include specia lists

in a diverse range of areas as well as

severa l trainees. Beppi believes it is

an essentia l and norma l par t of busi-

ness to of fer young people an oppor-

tunity to train. An apprenticeship as

an elec trician prov ides them with

the basic skills they need to enter

into any of the professiona l f ields

covered by the company – elec trica l

insta llation, mu ltimedia ser v ices,

building automation and event

technology. Niederberger is a one-

stop shop for its clients. The team,

recently augmented by an elec trica l

engineer, accompanies customers

throughout ever y phase of their

projec t. If it is a construc tion pro-

jec t, they are there f rom the elec tro-

technica l coordination phase right

through to the f ina l completion of

a building. If the projec t is an event

– no mat ter what size – the Nieder-

berger team secures a reliable elec-

tricity supply, prov ides lighting and

v ideo technology, and guarantees

great sound with its audio systems.

Niederberger Elek tro und

Mu ltimedia GmbH

Titlisstrasse 2

6390 Engelberg

Tel.: +41 (0)41 639 5757

Wacky races on the Titlis

The Sledging Cha llenge comes

to Engelberg on 29 Januar y 2017. Why

not put together a team and join in?

To win this f un race you have to do

much more than fast sledging. You

star t by whizzing the 3.5 km f rom

Gerschnia lp down to Engelberg, but

before the nex t member of the relay

team is a llowed to get going, the f irst

racer has to hammer a nail into a log,

snor t snuf f f rom the snuf f machine,

and down some beer. A ll this makes

the Sledging Cha llenge a hilari-

ous, ac tion-packed competition.

Equa lly enter taining is the

Waterslide Contest, which takes

place on the Joch Pass on 22 April

2017. Par ticipants on skis, snowboard

or “ f unmobiles” glide elegantly

across the water at high speed – or

not, as the case may be. Those who

end up taking an unexpec ted dip

have to ex it the competition. The

run-ups get shor ter and shor ter

with each round, and the competi-

tor who can stay above the water

until the end is crowned the winner.

While both events are

great f un for par ticipants, they

are a lso a hugely enter tain-

ing spec tacle for obser vers.

Snow & Safety Days

Engelberg is an unbeatable

location for a ll f reeriders and anyone

keen to tr y out the spor t. At our Snow

& Safety Days in winter 2017, guest

card holders can enjoy f ree guided

ski tours and guided f reeriding, and

learn impor tant information about

ava lanches. The Snow & Safety Days

take place four times this winter,

and each edition of the event lasts

three days. Guest cards can be ac-

quired f rom your accommodation

host – be it a hotel, a guesthouse,

a holiday apar tment, campsite or

youth hostel. The Snow & Safety

Days are led by experienced Engel-

berg mountain guides. In 2017 they

take place Mondays to Wednesdays

on the following dates: 23 to 25 Janu-

ar y; 30 Januar y to 1 Februar y; 20 to 22

Februar y; 27 Februar y to 1 March. The

number of par ticipants is restric ted

so it is wor th registering quick ly.

Information and registra-


Calling all early birds and night owls!

On three days during winter

2017, early risers can glide across

f resh ly groomed slopes f rom the

Stand to Trübsee while other mere

mor ta ls are still snuggled up un-

der the duvet. Rise and shine with

the Titlis Earlybird! On 7 Januar y, 4

Februar y and 4 March the f irst trip

up the mountain is at 7 a.m. As a

reward, the intrepid early birds get

to enjoy v irgin slopes followed by a

fantastic break fast buf fet at Berg-

hotel Trübsee right nex t to the piste.

But since we know that some people

just don’ t f unc tion in the morn-

ings, we a lso have specia l events for

night owls. On 14 Januar y, 11 Febru-

ar y and 11 March the slopes are open

to skiers and snowboarders until

late into the night. The Rutschpark

area for beginners and non-skiers

on Trübsee is a lso open. Anyone in a

need of a night-time nibble can pop

into Berghotel Trübsee for ref resh-

ments. Nightriders take the cable

car up f rom Engelberg between 7

and 8 p.m. and can choose to ski

back down or journey down with the

Titlis Xpress between 10 and 11 p.m.

A night in a yurt

A shor t distance above the

hamlet of Grafenor t, Trudi and

Thomas Käslin have created a de-

lightf u l accommodation option. Now

you can enjoy an unforget table stay

in a yur t – the traditiona l round tent

favoured by Centra l Asian nomads.

But there’s nothing makeshif t about

this yur t. The comfor table bed and

lov ingly decorated interior will

ensure you wake up feeling well

rested, and a shower and toilet are

situated nearby. The yur t can be

booked for one or severa l nights, and

in winter guests can choose to enjoy

a fondue supper under the starr y

skies. The Käslins of fer a standard

Bed&Break fast package as well as

a Romantic Weekend package. The

breathtaking v iews of the moun-

tains and sky are the per fec t back-

drop for some unforget table qua lity

time together. The Romantic Week-

end package a lso includes a cand le-

lit dinner, a break fast basket with

f resh farm produce, and a relax ing

bath in the hot tub. For more infor-

mation on the available packages,

enticing images and reser vation

options, v isit: www.jur