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per fec tly kit ted out, however. Four kilos of

spaghet ti and two bot tles of red wine later,

the hut was buzzing with eight happy people.

The nex t morning, we set of f towards

the Sustenhorn before dawn and reached the

glacier af ter a three-hour climb. The mighty,

seemingly end less ice f ield stretched out be-

fore our eyes and the summit was within reach.

But the f ina l ascent took longer than expec ted,

and the high a ltitude and stif f breeze didn’ t

make it any easier. I had a lready mar velled at

the Sustenhorn f rom the Titlis many times, but

standing on the summit at

3,503 metres gave me a whole

new perspec tive: it rea lly

hit me just how minute hu-

man beings are. On the way

back down, we cou ld see that

the wind had struck again

and made the snow rock-hard. Markus led us

safely past huge glacier crevasses to Hotel

Steingletscher. Af ter a lmost 2,000 metres of

descent across a glacier, we f ina lly had access

to hot running water and an indoor toilet with

a f lush for the f irst time in three days. Af ter a

long trip to the bathroom and a hot shower, I

felt like a new man. We had worked up a big

appetite, so we enjoyed a cosy mea l and then

hit the hay at around 9 p.m. The following

morning, I got up ex tra early to have another

shower. The weather had turned during the

night and, af ter three days of sunshine, we

were greeted with a mi x ture of snow and fog.

Over time, you star t to develop a pleas-

ant routine when climbing. Ski tours are

a lmost meditative, with ever y step follow-

ing the prev ious one; and with each step you

leave the stresses of ever yday life f ur ther

and f ur ther behind, giv ing you the chance to

clear your mind. As they say, the journey itself

is the reward, so we pushed ahead through

the white, mysterious landscape towards

Fünf f ingerstöcke. But then the mystica l charm

simply vanished: we got caught in a storm, so

we skipped the summit and decided to head

straight for the Sustli hut. Once there, we

were greeted by the hut wardens and some

af ternoon sun. But what do you do when you

get to a mountain hut at two o’clock in the

af ternoon? Right – you have a nice long nap! In

the evening, we felt a lit tle melancholy as we

rea lised we wou ld be reaching Engelberg the

following day and a ll going our separate ways.

Because I’ d had a few

beers, I had to get up in the

midd le of the night to relieve

my bladder. The Sustli hut

is set in a wonder f u l loca-

tion opposite the mighty

Sustenhorn and, like most

SAC mountain huts, it has a separate out-

house, so there were wellies at hand for me to

brave my way across the snow. As I stepped

outside, I looked up to see a clear, starr y sky.

The moon lit up the landscape and the moun-

tains seemed close enough to touch. But I

wou ld have done bet ter to look down at the

ground than up at the mountains; I stumbled

and before I knew it I was f lat on my back.

The following morning, unscathed f rom

my night-time tumble, I joined the others as

we put the skins back on our skis and set of f

on the last leg of our journey. We climbed the

Grassen (2,946 m a.s.l.) in optima l weather

conditions, and thorough ly enjoyed the 2,000

metres of descent to Engelberg through the

f inest powder snow. It was a glorious feeling

to be able to ski a ll the way home. Throughout

the entire tour, we on ly saw two other peo-

ple – and that was f rom a distance. That ’s two

people in f ive days – what a wild and won-

der f u l place we are priv ileged to ca ll home!

The ski tour finishes with

a 2,000 m descent.

Abfahrten wie diese entschädi-

gen für die strengen Aufstiege.

Descents like these make

up for the tough climbs.

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and fun.
