5017.0 Policy & Finance poster session (CCC, Halls A/F)
5058.0 Understanding the implications of population demographics on infant and child
health outcomes (CCC, 504)
5059.0 Life Course Health for CSHCN: Individual and Social Determinants (CCC, 503)
5060.0 Youth-Asset-Based Approaches for Health; Engagement with/for Higher
Education (CCC, 505)
5108.0 Evaluating programs and interventions to improve maternal and child health
(CCC, 503)
5109.0 Improving Pregnancy Outcomes: Examining Prenatal Care-related Factors
(CCC, 505)
5110.0 Understanding and Preventing Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (CCC, 504)
5110.1 Promoting APHA Support and Engagement with Adolescents and Young Adults
(AYAH Roundtable) (CCC, Mile High Ballroom 1DE)
5149.0 Re-Examining Data Using a New Lens: Locally and Nationally-Focuses
Measurement to Improve Maternal and Child Health Outcomes (CCC, 503)
5150.0 Engaging parental perspectives to improve the care of infants and children
(CCC, 504)
5151.0 Empowerment Strategies for Improving MCH Outcomes (CCC, 505)
Medical Care Section
3048.0 Medical Care Section Student Awards—All Welcome! (CCC, 111)
3159.0 Prescription Drug Prices: Trends, Driving Factors and Affordability Issues
(CCC, 111)
3196.0 Innovations in provider education and care delivery (CCC, Halls A/F)
3197.0 Quality improvement, payment systems, and financial incentives (CCC,
Halls A/F)
3198.0 Racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare (CCC, Halls A/F)
3199.0 Special and vulnerable populations: pediatrics; jail and prison health (CCC,
Halls A/F)
3255.0 Avedis Donabedian Award Session (CCC, 113)
3256.0 Substance Abuse in the United States: Determinants, Trends, and Opportunities
for Improvement (CCC, 111)
3360.0 Health Services Research Update: New and Emerging Datasets (CCC, 113)
3361.0 The Childhood Roots of Health Inequity (CCC, 111)
4049.0 Evaluations of Care Coordination and Integrated Care Delivery (CCC, 111)
4050.0 Health of the incarcerated population: Oversight, needs assessment, and
transition (CCC, 113)
4066.0 The Affordable Care Act in 2016: Social Work Leadership in Creating a Healthy
Nation (in collaboration with PHSW) (HRD, Centennial Ballroom A)
4142.0 21st Century Primary Care: Infrastructure, Scope, and Practice (CCC, 113)
4143.0 Explanatory Factors behind Utilization of Healthcare Services and Expenditures
(CCC, 111)
4188.0 Geographic variations in access to and quality of care (CCC, Halls A/F)
4189.0 Up-and-Coming Researchers, Medical Care Section (CCC, Halls A/F)
4190.0 Pharmaceuticals and medication therapy (CCC, Halls A/F)
4191.0 Veterans, and other special populations (CCC, Halls A/F)
4243.0 Medicating Our Children’s Behavior Part I: NewResearch (A collaboration of the
Medical Care and Mental Health Sections) (CCC, 111)
4322.0 Determinants of health disparities (CCC, 704)
4323.0 Improving access to timely coordinated healthcare for patients in Veterans’
Healthcare Administration (CCC, 113)
4405.0 Measuring Patient Care: FromClaims to Patient Reported Outcomes (CCC, 111)
4406.0 Patient/provider experiences and delivery of quality care (CCC, 113)
4426.0 An Evening with Irene Aguilar, M.D., Colorado State Senator: My Life in Public
Health (CCC, Mile High Ballroom 1ABC)
5061.0 Medicaid Payment Reform and Efforts to Improving Access to Care (CCC, 111)
5062.0 Overcoming disparities: barriers and models (CCC, 113)
5111.0 Delivering on the Affordable Care Act (CCC, 111)
5112.0 HIV, Hepatitis C and Infectious Diseases: Screening, monitoring, and treating
(CCC, 113)
5152.0 Pathways to insuring the remaining uninsured and improving patient outcomes
and system sustainability (CCC, 111)
5153.0 Priorities for America’s Health: Capitalizing on Life-Saving, Cost-Effective
Preventive Services (CCC, 113)
Mental Health
2048.0 Engagement, activation, access to services for diverse populations (CCC,
Halls A/F)
3050.0 Building resilience to the impact of trauma: Individual and community factors
(CCC, 711)
3051.0 How social media affectsmental health: Individual and community perspectives
(CCC, Mile High Ballroom 4D)
3154.0 Reducing Violence: A Look at State Gun Laws (in collaborationwith the Law and
Injury Control sections) (HRD, Mineral Hall D)
3161.0 Active military and veterans’ mental health: Issues in prevention, community
re-integration and access to services (CCC, Mile High Ballroom 4D)
3162.0 How literacy influences equity and recovery in public mental health: A Special
Session (CCC, 711)
3200.0 Stress and stigma: Creating community and treatment settings to promote
resilience (CCC, Halls A/F)
3201.0 Evidence and practice: Howcommunity and treatment settings support recovery
(CCC, Halls A/F)
3202.0 Health and mental health: System and practice approaches that promote
collaborative care (CCC, Halls A/F)
3203.0 Seeking Justice: When opportunities for safety and security are limited for
vulnerable populations (CCC, Halls A/F)
3204.0 Voices of those who served: Personal, relationship and service use challenges
faced by veterans (CCC, Halls A/F)
3257.0 State experiments in primary care behavioral health integration: A Special
Session on promises, challenges and levers of change (CCC, 711)
3363.0 2016 Taube Award for lifetime contributions to mental health. Lisa Dixon
MD, MPH; Columbia University. Goldilocks and the Three Bears Redux:
Implementation and Evidence Tensions as MH Services Evolve (CCC, 711)
4014.0 CoH&MHCollaboration: Meeting Complex Health andMental HealthNeeds of
People Experiencing Homelessness (CCC, 210)
4051.0 Creating a culture of prevention: Special Session on integrating population
health strategies into behavioral health (CCC, Mile High Ballroom 4D)
4052.0 Impact of the ACA on access to behavioral health and medical care for children
and adolescents (CCC, Mile High Ballroom 2B)
4144.0 Access and use of mental health services in jails, emergency departments and
hospitals (CCC, Mile High Ballroom 2B)
4145.0 Transforming community behavioral health: Local health departments, cross-
agency collaborations and health homes (CCC, Mile High Ballroom 4D)
4155.0 Integrated Mental Health and Chronic Disease Intervention Strategies
(organized jointly with the Mental Health Section) (CCC, 110)
4243.0 Medicating Our Children’s Behavior Part I: NewResearch (A collaboration of the
Medical Care and Mental Health Sections) (CCC, 111)
4245.0 2016 Rema Lapouse Award for Lifetime Achievement in Epidemiology, Mental
Health and Applied Public Health Statistics. James Anthony, PhD. Johns
Hopkins University: Truths, half-truths, and new challenges in psychiatric
epidemiology (CCC, 706)
4324.0 Adolescents and community violence: Opportunities for resilience in the face of
gang involvement, prescription drugs and suicide (CCC, 706)
4325.0 Medicating our children’s behavior Part II: Policy, practice and advocacy
perspectives (Special Session in collaboration with Medical Care) (CCC, 111)
4326.0 Developing shared decision interventions to Improve Mental Health care:
Special Session from a multi-site study of diverse U.S. cultures (CCC, 702)
4407.0 Activating Latino families where children have mental health needs: A Special
Session exploring parental activation (CCC, 706)
4408.0 Dancing behavioral health strategies into state and local health departments:
Roundtable conversations with regional, state and national partners (CCC, Mile
High Ballroom 3C)
4409.0 Redesigning behavioral health programs to improve outreach and engagement
for vulnerable women and families (CCC, 702)
5018.0 Perspectives on behavioral health: Epidemiology, complexity and system
responses (CCC, Halls A/F)
5019.0 Prevalence and impact of stress onmental health: Strategies for prevention and
intervention (CCC, Halls A/F)
5020.0 Supporting families: System and practice strategies to serve children and
caregivers (CCC, Halls A/F)
5063.0 Novel approaches for co-occurring physical and mental health conditions
(CCC, 706)
5113.0 Double Jeopardy: Federal and local roles in helping people with disabilities
survive disasters. Special Session in collaboration with Disabilities Section
(CCC, 706)
5154.0 Strategies of place: How communities support integration and recovery for
people with mental health challenges (CCC, 706)
Occupational Health and Safety
3052.0 How Researchers, Educators and Employers Are Responding to an Aging
Workforce: OHS (CCC, Mile High Ballroom 2A)