The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
[MAY, 1910
2. A certified copy of the Award of the
3. A complete set of ordnance sheets
showing the various plots comprised
in the Award certified to be a duplicate
of the deposited maps.
NOTE. Nos. 2 and 3 need only be lodged
the first receipt or
under any particular scheme, order,
or award
is being submitted
And in cases coming under B. or C. :—
4. Such evidence of title as is there set out.
And in cases where the land was subject to
a Land Purchase annuity :
5. Evidence of the release of the plot
And in the case of registered land, where
there are registered charges thereon, and
the compensation has been paid to the
owner of the land :
6. Consent to such payment by the owners
of all registered charges.
The particular attention of Councils
drawn to the circular letter from the Local
Government Board dated 29th June, 1908
(L. 7886.08), on the subject of plots taken
from holdings already vested or about to be
vested in the occupying tenants, a copy of
which has been issued to the Clerk of each
all cases
the solicitor must ascertain, by
search or otherwise, whether
acquired are already registered or not, and,
if they are, the Folio number must appear
on the face of the receipt or transfer.
Where possible, the form of receipt in the
Local Government Board Rules, or Form 14
annexed to the Rules under the L. R. Title
(Ir.) Act, 1891, should be adhered to, and
long conveyances avoided.
As all responsibility for the due execution
of receipts, etc., lies on the Council, the
Registering Authorities do not insist on the
No stamp duty is payable on any receipt,
transfer, or conveyance.
No fees are payable for registration or
If the Council lodging the documents have
been already registered as owners- of other
lands in the same County, the Land Certi–
ficate held by them should be lodged, in
order that the new plots may be added.
It is the practice to rely on the provisions
of Section 47
of the said Act of
1891 as sufficient for the protection of Crown
and quit rents and the other charges therein
The Land Certificate in relation to the
several plots of land acquired in pursuance
of any Scheme, Order, or Award is, as a rule,
not issued until the registration of all has
been completed, but pending such completion
this document will be transmitted to the
local authority, on application being made
therefor, in case it should be required for
Audit or other purposes, or, in the alterna–
tive, an official notification will be sent to the
local authority when desired of the cases in
which registration has actually been com–
Solicitors' Benevolent Association.
A MEETING of the Directors was held upon
the 20th day of April.
The Secretary
reported having received since last meeting
the sum of £69 6s., making the total annual
subscriptions received since January last
£478 16s. Od. The Secretary also reported
having received a donation of £4 16s. from
Charles G. Jefferson, Esq., representing the
balance of a fund in his hands.
The Directors
the various
applications for relief, and made grants to
four applicants, amounting in all to £82,
bringing the amount afforded in relief since
the 1st of January up to £214 11s.
The result of the scrutiny for the election
of a candidate to an annuity of £15 was
submitted, and No. 4 on the list having
received the largest number of votes was
declared duly elected.
The death of the holder of the " Jubilee "
Annuity of the Association was reported,
and it was resolved that an election for this
annuity be held in the month of June next.
The value of the annuity is £20 per annum,
and applications by intending candidates
should be lodged with the Secretary of the
Association on or before Monday, 23rd May.
ALL communications connected with THE
GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should
be addressed to the Secretary of the Society,
Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin.
Dublin: Printed by HELYS LIMITED, at the Acme Works Dame Court Dublin.