Vol. IV, No. 2.]
June, 1910.
Half-Yearly General Meeting.
THE Half-yearly General Meeting of
Society was held in the Hall of the Society,
at the Four Courts, on Friday, 13th May,
the President (Mr. Richard A. Macnamara)
in the chair. The following members were
also present :—
W. V. Seddall (Vice-President), A. Lloyd-
Blood (Vice-President), Sir G. Roche, Sir" A.
F. Baker, W. J. Shannon, George Collins,
T. C. Franks, Win. Fry, Gerald Byrne, F.
C. Earle Bland, G. H. Lyster, C. A. Stanuell,
James Henry, R. G. Warren, I. J. Rice, A. E.
Bradley, Joseph Galloway, C. G. Gamble,
P. K. White, E. Condell, A. G. Joyce, 0. P.
Beater, J. G. Perry, J. W. Davis, G. M.
Collins, Gerald Byrne, Jun., W. J. Byrne,
E. H. Byrne, C. Friery, W. Ryan, R. T.
Holmes, W. Grove White, Sydney M. Bell,
William Read, G. E. G. White, John Read,
M. C. Jameson, N. L. Moran.
The Secretary (W. G. Wakely) read the
notice convening
the meeting,
minutes of the meeting of last November
which were signed by the President.
Before the commencement of the business
of the meeting, the President alluded to the
death of his Majesty King Edward and in
timated that he had summoned a Special
Meeting of the Council upon hearing of the
sad news, in order that the Council might,
upon behalf of the profession, express to His
Majesty King George and to Her Majesty
Queen Alexandra their feelings of sorrow,
and the Council having met and passed
resolutions of sympathy, these resolutions
were conveyed by telegram, and telegrams
in reply had been received.
MR. SEDDALL (Vice-President) moved,
and MR. LLOYD-BLOOD (Vice President),
seconded, and it was resolved that Messrs.
W. W. Carruthers, J. J. Cartan and F.
Gifford be appointed Auditors of the accounts
of the Society for the year ending 30th April,
THE PRESIDENT nominated the follow
ing members to act as Scrutineers of the
Ballot for election of the Council, to be held
in November next :—Messrs. P. J. Brady,
M.P. ;
E. N. Edwards, W. H. Geoghegan,
J. G. Perry and P. K. White.
THE PRESIDENT informed the meeting
that in accordance with
the undertaking
given at the last November General Meeting,
the Council had considered the resolution
proposed by Mr. Rooney at that meeting,
the object of which resolution was to reduce
to ten shillings the subscription to the Society
of members admitted less than three years to
the profession. The matter was considered
by the Council, and they had come to the'
conclusion to recommend to this General
the suggested amendment
should be adopted. He (the President) now,
pursuant to notice, moved that the bye-laws
should be amended so as to give effect to the
MR. SEDDALL (Vice-President) seconded
the motion, which was passed.
THE PRESIDENT said there was another
proposal, which was made by Mr. P. J.
Brady, M.P., suggesting compulsory member
ship of the Society for all practising Solicitors,
and it was suggested that portion of the
annual certificate duty should be allocated
towards payment of the subscription to the
Society. The Council also considered that